



Stars are balls of luminous plasma, held together by gravity. They can be seen twinkling overhead from our planet each night. They are enjoyable to look at, but also have been used as navigation tools for centuries.

500 Questions

What is the name of earths nearest star?

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The Sun is the nearest star to Earth.

After that, the nearest one that we know about is called Proxima Centauri. (Actually, on average, alpha Centauri A, alpha Centauri B, and alpha Centauri C - Proxima - are the same distance, but Proxima can at times be slightly closer than the other two).

It's considered at least possible (that is, papers have been published in serious astronomical journals about the possibility) that the Sun may have a very faint red or brown dwarf companion at a distance of perhaps a tenth of a light year, which has so far escaped detection.

Best color to wear in sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

'White' , because it reflects the sun .

Also wear cotton clothes that have been starched. The Cotton allows for absorption of any perspiration and the starching stiffens the cloth to allow it to stand off the skin and allow air to circulate between the cloth and the skin.

'Stay cool; Man!!!!

How do you tell direction with a watch?

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Asked by Wiki User

With an ANALOGUE watch, wait till the watch reaches the hour. , say 3;00pm.

At 3:00pm point the minute finger to the Sun. The due South is halfway between the '3' and '12' . On an analogue watch that would be halfway between '1' & '2'.

Hence north would be between '7' & '8'. East, between '10' & '11' and West between '4' & '5'.

NB This is Boy Scout stuff !!!!!

What are the names of the food items with the name sun in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sun chips, sunny d, sunflower seeds, sun maid raisins...can anyone think of more?

What theory does Jim come up with regarding the origin of the stars?

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Asked by Wiki User

the theory jim comes up with regarding the origin of the stars is that the moon laid them and that the shooting stars got spoiled and was "moved out of the nest." I found it on page 177 top paragraph of my book.

When the stars threw down their spears And waterd heaven with their tears?

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Asked by Wiki User

These lines are from the poem "The Tyger" by William Blake, not "The Clod and the Pebble." The poem explores the duality of creation and the existence of good and evil in the world through the imagery of a tiger.

Why is asagai's nickname appropriate?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asagai's nickname, which means "spear" in Yoruba, reflects his proud Nigerian heritage and his role as a symbol of resistance and perseverance. It represents his strength, determination, and ability to cut through obstacles to fight for what he believes in.

Why did Asagai call Beneatha Alaiyo?

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Asagai translates Alaiyo as One for whom bread- food- is not enough. I think he is referencing her desire to learn, and more specifically her interest in her African roots.

his name also meen peace become the butt

In the book number the stars what brave thing did Annmarie have to do?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the book "Number the Stars," Annemarie demonstrates bravery by helping her Jewish friend Ellen escape from the Nazis in Denmark during World War II. She risks her own safety to protect Ellen and her family, showing courage and resilience in the face of danger.

What happens to dew each day when the sun rises?

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Asked by Wiki User

When the sun rises, its warmth causes the dew on surfaces to evaporate. This process is known as evaporation, where the liquid water from the dew turns into water vapor and is released into the atmosphere.

Why hanging a person in Pakistan before sun rise?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hanging a person before sunrise in Pakistan is done to comply with Islamic traditions, which dictate that executions should take place before the morning prayer. It is believed that carrying out the punishment during this time brings blessings and fulfills religious guidelines.

What time does the sun rise and sun set in Tampa FL on April 15 2012?

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On April 15, 2012, the sun rose in Tampa, FL at 7:04 AM and set at 7:55 PM.

What was kept in the blue trunk in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

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In "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry, the blue trunk contains a special handkerchief with a hidden message to guide the characters on their journey to safety during World War II. The trunk represents hope, courage, and the importance of friendship in times of adversity.

What time does the sun rise in Boston MA?

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The time of sunrise in Boston, MA varies throughout the year. On average, the sun rises around 6:30-7:00 am Eastern Time.

Is sunset when suns bottom touches the horizon or the suns top disappears on the horizon?

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Sunset occurs when the top edge of the sun disappears below the horizon. The moment when the bottom of the sun touches the horizon is known as "solar immersion."

What is it called when the sun is its highest in the sky?

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When the sun is at its highest point in the sky, it is called solar noon. This is when the sun is directly overhead or closest to being directly overhead at that particular location.

What time is the sunset on October 8 2008 in Columbia SC?

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Asked by Wiki User

The time of sunrise and sunset is very dependent on the precise location and the date in question. Please re-post your question with the date and the city name or ZIP code. If you add the WikiAnswers category "Sunset Times", I'll see it.

You can calculate the time of sunrise and sunset easily by visiting the United States Naval Observatory web site's Sunrise & Sunset calculator. You will need the date, city and state for US locations, or the date, latitude, longitude and time zone for any other locations in the world.

The site is

You can also calculate the times of sunrise and sunset for one year at a given location at the site:

What gas is the sun burning?

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Asked by Wiki User

The SUN does NOT BURN gas.

It is a FUSION of hydrogen atoms into helium atoms.

What is a white and red dwarf star?

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Asked by Wiki User

A White Dwarf star starts as a small to intermediate size star,

like our Sun is currently. That eventually becomes a red giant

star. Eventually that blows off everything but the hot very dense

core of "electron degenerate matter". What is left is a hot ball of

mainly carbon and oxygen that will eventually cool and dim and turn

into a black dwarf star.

A white dwarf has a second chance of life and death in a close

binary star system, where the white dwarf draws mass from the

companion star. Once the mass of the white dwarf reaches the

Chandrasekhar limit of approximately 1.38 solar masses or roughly

140% of the mass of our Sun, the core can no longer hold the

gravitational pressure and a Type 1a Supernova may occur.

A Red Dwarf star is a " Main Sequence " star, but with very low

mass and

luminosity. You need a telescope to see one. However, they make

up about

80% of all stars and they have very long lifetimes.

Which objects motion causes eclipses of the sun?

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The solar eclipse occurs when the moon is in between the sun and earth .

So because the sun is the center of the solar system and is not supposed to move in it the earth and moon's movement causes the eclipse

Are stars fixed in space?

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Asked by Wiki User

NO!!!! THey move. However, because they are so far away , we do not readily observe any movement amongstr the stars. Objects nearer toi Earth Like the Sun and planets, moons, etc., are seen to move because they7 are nearer .

What is the biggist star?

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UY Scuti

The biggest known star is UY Scuti, about 1,700 times larger than the sun.

Why does the sun shine on only one side of the earth at a time?

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As in realestate : location, location, location.

How are the stars and the sun the same?

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Asked by Wiki User

all stars are not all the same (blue giants, red giants, red dwarfs), however the sun is a star. it just appears bigger in the sky because it is way, way, way closer than all other stars.