

Meditation and Yoga

The ancient Indian disciplines of yoga and meditation boast many health benefits. Ask questions about types of yoga practices and positions as well as its history and religious connections.

500 Questions

Who wrote the book called The Meditations?

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Marcus Aurelius was the emperor who wrote the Meditations.

What is meditation upon a broomstick by Jonathan Swift about?

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"Meditation upon a Broomstick" by Jonathan Swift is a satirical essay that explores the theme of self-reflection and the human tendency to assign values and importance to ordinary objects. Through the metaphor of a broomstick, Swift challenges the readers to question the conventions and rituals that govern society, highlighting the absurdity of humanity's obsession with material possessions and superficial appearances. The essay ultimately serves as a critique of vanity, hypocrisy, and the folly of human nature.

What is an example of a metaphysical conceit used in this poem meditation 17 by john donne?

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An example of a metaphysical conceit in "Meditation 17" by John Donne is the comparison between individuals being like books in a library, with each person being connected to and influenced by others in the community, just as books are connected to each other in a library. This conceit serves to emphasize the idea of interconnectedness and the concept of a larger universal community.

Probably the best poem from Preparatory Meditations?

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One of the most well-known poems from Preparatory Meditations is "Meditation 17" by John Donne. It explores themes of interconnectedness, mortality, and the idea that no one is an island. Donne reflects on the impact of each individual's life and how it contributes to the whole of humanity.

Meditation has no effect on brain activity?

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Frontal lobe

This is the most highly evolved part of the brain, responsible for reasoning, planning, emotions and self-conscious awareness. During meditation, the frontal cortex tends to go offline.

Parietal lobe

This part of the brain processes sensory information about the surrounding world, orienting you in time and space. During meditation, activity in the parietal lobe slows down.


The gatekeeper for the senses, this organ focuses your attention by funneling some sensory data deeper into the brain and stopping other signals in their tracks. Meditation reduces the flow of incoming information to a trickle.

Reticular formation

As the brain’s sentry, this structure receives incoming stimuli and puts the brain on alert, ready to respond. Meditating dials back the arousal signal.

For more check out cutt. ly/bxbbGQs (just remove the space)

Meditation before or after your morning work out routine?

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==new answer== Any kind of work out requires a degree of concentration. You have been using concentration during workout and have stimulated the blood flow and are more able to get relaxed and calm for meditation. You may want to include a concentration exercise after workout and before meditation. For ten minutes, practice keeping your attention on one object.

Are yoga pants tight?

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No, they are pants that are good to work out in. They are very comfortable and they look great, especially on athletes. Gymnasts look the best in them.

Where can someone find a Mindfulness Meditation video online for free?

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There's one free guided meditation that will help teach you how to meditate and get the results your looking for

Check out the link in my bio for more info.

What are the directions for meditating on your kundalini awakening?

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Asked by ZenithLord

Andie Anderson talks about her Kundalini Awakening: Andie Anderson: About trauma & glimpses of enlightenment - Interview # 2 - || Nonduality

What is the best yoga bag?

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Asked by Yoginigirl23

Recently i found a good black color yoga mat . for now i am using it . Quality and price both is the best . you can try!

there are many types of mat are available . But I recommended you 6 mm is best .Can find, its called - Romix yoga mat find out google or amazon

Where can someone get more information on Vinyasa Yoga?

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There are various ways to find information about yoga. From simple things such as the local yellow pages, to searching on the web. Because Yoga is a popular trend in physical fitness, it is an easy find.

What type of people meditate?

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It's fair to say that there are people in all walks of life who meditate: homeless people, wealthy people, and every income level between; hard-working people, lazy people, and every level of inaction between; scientists and philosophers and religious clergy from virtually every religion in the world, and atheists from both within and outside of the scientific community; fanatics and apathetics; and virtually every human being who ever existed.

Meditation isn't something you do as a technique; it's a natural state of being, one that people do without even knowing that they do it.

Meditation is simply being you for a few moments, without the masks of the world, paying attention to your own thoughts and relaxing while you do it. No technique required.

Why is meditation important to Hindus?

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Meditation is the foundation on which Hinduism is built.


1. Meditation is the foundation on which Hinduism is built

2. The Vedas, the most sacred books of Hinduism, are based on Vedic Meditation.

3. It is not possible to understand Vedas without Mastering Vedic Meditation.

4. Meditation is the cheapest, fastest, easiest and the most reliable way for appeasing any Hindu god

5. A Hindu can't attain Moksha without becoming a master of Vedic Meditation. Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga are not much use in the modern world to attain Moksha. One can't attain Moksha through good deeds.

What are the psychological benefits of yoga?

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yoga uses breathing techniques (pranayama ) and meditation (dyana ) to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind. However, experts are quick to point out that yoga is not a religion, but a way of living with health and peace of mind as its aims.

What is the different between jazz pants and yoga pants?

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As far as I can tell, there is little to no difference in yoga pants and regular aerobic pants. Both need to have four way stretch so they do not ride up or down during movement.The material needs to breath so the sweat is easily dispersed.

Can you do yoga if you have a herniated disc?

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I am editing the above answer. You can do yoga, but make sure the teachers are aware of your condition. If any postures invoke the disk related pain, do not do them, or ask for modifications so you can practice without pain. You might find that styles of yoga that include a lot of forward bends are not for you. Backward bends may alleviate your pain.

How long do shaolin monks meditate for?

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The more you meditate, the more beneficial your practice will be. Whether they are meditating formally (for example, in a cross-legged sitting posture) or not, master meditators are always meditating. The idea is to take the calm clarity of mind produced by formal meditation and extend it throughout all your activities.

Is yoga a sport?

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As far as I know, Yo Yo is not considered as a sport since it does not require a considerable amount of energy. Any sport requires burning an amount of calories, and Yo Yo does not fulfill that. In addition, Yo Yo is not registred as a sport and it is considered as a game.

Where can one buy a beginners yoga DVD?

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You can buy a beginners yoga dvd from the yogamatters website there are a variety of dvds aimed at beginners on the website. Alternatively you could purchase the product from the amazon shopping website.

How old is yoga activity?

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The development of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago, but some researchers think that yoga may be up to 10,000 years old old. The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago. The word yoga was first mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, the Rig Veda.

How is yoga useful in all health problems?

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Yoga is helpful when practiced in day to day life. One can focus on activities like Asanas, Pranayamas - breathing exercises, Kriyas - Cleansing and strengthening kriyas for the eyes, nose and throat, Diet - Food tips to beat stress, Conscious Relaxation techniques - shavasana dradhasana, nispandabhava, Interactive Games based on yogic concepts. Which helps deal stress & maintain good health.

Can you do yoga after eating?

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I think it is best to wait a while before eating. Allow the effects of the practice to penetrate your body-mind, before introducing a new stimulus (ie, food).

Which stretches should be done before Yoga class?

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There are a few basic stretching warm up exercises that can be done such as groin stretching,bridge stretches and shoulder stretches. These are only a few and for further instructions of how properly to do so you can find them online.

Can you use a yoga mat or gymnastics?

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yes you can use a yoga mat for gymnastics it might hurt a little because they are usually thin

Do yoga toes work?

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