


Zombies, highlighted in scary movies, are creatures said to be dead humans that come back to life. George A. Romero's 1968 film Night of the Living Dead popularized the zombie.

500 Questions

What does a zombie look like?

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A zombie is typically depicted as a reanimated corpse with rotting flesh, pale skin, and a vacant expression. They often have wounds, missing body parts, and a slow, lumbering gait.

How do you become a zombie?

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In folklore and fiction, becoming a zombie typically involves being either infected or cursed by another zombie. This can happen through a bite, scratch, or other means of transmission. Once transformed, the individual loses their consciousness and free will, becoming a mindless creature driven by the desire to feed on the living.

What is the meaning of zombie?

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A zombie has many meanings. The original meaning is of Haitian origins, refering to a dead person brought back to life by "voo-doo". The idea of "the living dead" was taken by Hollywood to create a corner stone of Horror movies, a flesh eating creature that exists only to kill and devour, the killed then coming back as another zombie.

So, the general meaning of zombie is this:

~Dead life form, that has returned to life (Usually refered to as undeath.) A dead person, comes alive from the dead.

What is a synonym for zombie It starts with an H and can be found in the subtitles of the movie I am Legend?

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Synonyms for zombie include walkers, crawlers, shamblers, the walking dead, and infected. -Ceaser_Corporation on Reddit

Are zombies fantasy?

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there would be a massive reaction from the government they would just nuke the most

heavily populated area then send it troops then burn the bodies cut them up and bury


Although there are some rare diseases that make people crave blood and flesh. The infected people also start limping and bleeding which are specifics of a zombie.

yea its called getting shot in the leg and being a cannable duh.

Government Will blow the zombies sky high with Everthing they got

Who is a famous zombie?

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One famous zombie character is George A. Romero's creation, Bub, from the film "Day of the Dead." Bub is memorable for his cognitive abilities, which set him apart from typical mindless zombies.

Are zombies coming in the future?

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Most likely, no. However, science is unpredictable! You never know...!

It is a possibility, but not a very likely one! In real life no one has ever demonstrated an ability to reanimate the dead, so there is no scientific reason to think there will ever be zombies.

There are already zombie-like parasites and viruses that infect insects. This combined with the fact that wood frogs freeze themselves completely in the winter months and reanimate spontaneously afterwards leads to the potential of science fully taking hold of cryogenics and bringing people who have been dead for years back from the grave. These could be considered as zombies, but not the traditional horror zombies, so in that sense there will never be zombies.

To correct something said above... Once upon a time, not too many years ago, death was defined by the stoppage of the heart. If your heart stopped, that was it. Now we routinely defibrillate, and use adrenalin, or heart massage, to restart hearts. By that standard, "zombies" already exist!

Now death is defined as brain death. Maybe someday we will learn to restart brains as well, and need a new definition of "dead".

What is an epocolipse?

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It seems like there may be a typo in your question. Did you mean "apocalypse"? If so, an apocalypse refers to a catastrophic event that leads to widespread destruction or the end of the world in various religious beliefs and cultural traditions.

Who are the main characters in zombie land?

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The main characters in "Zombieland" are Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita, and Little Rock, who band together in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. Each character has their own unique personality and skills that contribute to the group's survival.

Who are the bosses in zombie diary?

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In Zombie Diary, the bosses are powerful zombies that players must defeat to progress in the game. These bosses have unique abilities and are usually stronger than regular zombies, requiring more skill and strategy to defeat. Some examples of bosses in the game include the Butcher, the Giant Zombie, and the Titan.

How do you tell if you are turning into a zombie?

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Symptoms of turning into a zombie may include extreme lethargy, loss of appetite for normal food, and aggressive behavior towards others. If you notice these signs, seek medical attention immediately.

Has the zombie apocalypse started yet?

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No, there is no evidence to suggest that a zombie apocalypse has started. It is a fictional scenario often featured in movies and TV shows.

What is a zombie apocalypse?

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A zombie apocalypse is a fictional scenario where a widespread outbreak of zombies threatens human civilization. In this event, reanimated corpses or infected individuals aggressively attack and devour the living, leading to a breakdown of society and widespread chaos. It is a popular theme in movies, literature, and video games.

What do the zombies say?

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Zombies typically groan, moan, and make other unintelligible sounds. The exact noises they make can vary depending on the movie, video game, or other media in which they appear.

How do you turn someone into a zombie?

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There is no known scientific way to turn someone into a zombie. The concept of zombies is typically found in fiction and folklore rather than reality.

What to do if zombies attack?

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Find a safe place to hide and gather supplies like food and water. Stock up on weapons like a baseball bat or knife for self-defense. Stay quiet and avoid drawing attention to yourself. If possible, try to find a group of survivors to increase your chances of survival.

Where did the myth zombie originate?

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The myth of zombies is thought to have originated in Haitian folklore, specifically linked to Voodoo traditions and beliefs. It is derived from the concept of reanimated corpses being controlled by a sorcerer or witch doctor. The modern portrayal of zombies in popular culture, such as in movies and TV shows, has evolved from these original beliefs.

What is a zombie?

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A zombie is known as a undead creature, something that was dead but came back to life, in some movies, literature, or games, the Zombies are in existence because of some virus. In which case the people infected arephysically dead, however, in some cases people who have died have come back to life. In the movie Night of the Living Dead, people who have already died, been buried, etc. came back to life. However, in some other zombie games, those who are already dead when the outbreak occurs, do not become infected.

Although in the Resident Evil series, the zombies are decomposing as a result of the virus, it is unexplained why the brain tissue, or the muscle tissue haven't decomposed as well. Some people have mixed views of what zombies look like, some see zombies as undead bloody things with missing arms and such, however a zombie does not need to have missing ligaments to be a zombie, a person can be simply bitten. One thing is true in every zombie fiction, if you're bitten, you become one.

Also.. Zombies are people who have been given a mixture of drugs that slows the heartbeat down so much, it becomes undetectable, and paralyses their muscles. They are buried by their families, and then dug up secretly by the maker of the concoction. They have to continually be given the drugs, or they will wake up from their stupor. Often they're are sent to work manual labour on big, isolated farms.

What rhymes with zombies?

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I like to write poems about monsters you see,

But sometimes a problem comes to me

The rhyming stuff isn't so very hard

when Dracula backwards is spelled Alucard

And never in all of those old writings mine

Was it hard to couplet with Frankenstein

Always a word in my mind would come soon

To go with that old favorite, Blackie LaGoon!

But one monster stands apart from the rest

and writing about him puts my mind to the test.

I've thought and I've read and I've researched till I'm blue

And yet the rhyme just never scans true.

So you may as well given up and explode a bomb-bee

'Cause you're never gonna find a good rhyme for Zombie

Aerocrombie, Salami, Abercrombie,

Nothing rhymes with zombie. You may want to consider not trying to rhyme it with anything.

How much text was present in the zombie chapters in new moon?

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The amount of text in the zombie chapters in "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer is approximately seven pages long. These chapters introduce an element of fantasy and danger to the story as Bella imagines Edward's voice guiding her through difficult situations.

When was The Zombie Survival Guide created?

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The Zombie Survival Guide was created in 2003 by Max Brooks.

What is the ISBN of Marvel Zombies?

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The ISBN of "Marvel Zombies" by Robert Kirkman is 978-0785122777.

Does Zombies have swear words?

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Zombies, as fictional creatures, do not use swear words in the traditional sense since they are depicted as mindless beings driven by a primal instinct to feed on the living. In works of fiction, any use of swear words by zombies would be for dramatic effect or to add a sense of realism to the story.

How many levels are there on com zombies?

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In Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, the number of levels on Zombies mode depends on the map being played. There are multiple maps available, each with its own set of levels and challenges. The number of levels can vary from map to map.

When did zombies become popular?

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Zombies became popular in mainstream culture in the late 1960s with the release of George A. Romero's film "Night of the Living Dead". The popularity of zombies has grown over the years through movies, TV shows, and video games.