

Bat Mitzvah

Bat Mitzvah is a term used to describe a 12-year old Jewish girl. At this age, girls are personally held responsible for their adherence to Jewish tradition, ethics and law.

468 Questions

What is a girl's mitzvah event called?

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Girls Bar Mitzvah is called a Bat Mitzvah. A Bat Mitzvah happens when a Jewish girl turns 12 years old. Once the girl reaches that age she is an adult according to the Jewish law. This means that the girl will have to follow all applicable rules.

During the ceremony the Bat-Mitzvah girl will wear the dress of her choice.

Do girls and boys dance at bat and bar mitzvahs?

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Yes, some boys and girls dance at Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations, if they feel like it. However not usually during a service. Also, if the celebration is durin the Omer or on Sabbath, music may not be played.

Why is a bat mitzvah important to the teen?

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Bar and Bat mitzvahs are an important event because that is when a boy or girl becomes a man or woman.

Why girl celebrates bat mitzvah at 12?

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Usually, girls mature faster than boys. Girls celebrate their Bat Mitzvah at 12, and boys at 13.

Why do girls have to have a Bat Mitzvah?

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Bar and bat mitzvah are not ceremonies but a legal status -- when a boy becomes 'bar mitzvah' (literally, ' a son of the commandment') or when a girl becomes 'bat mitzvah' (a daughter of the commandment), he or she is legally an adult and obligated to observe all the commandments (up to that time the child's parents are responsible). So you just become bar mitzvah by living for 13 years and a day (boys) or 12 years and a day (girls -- though some Jewish denominations also place this at 13 and a day). No ceremony is necessary, and before the 20th century, it was hardly marked at all: boys would be called up to the ceremonial reading of the Torah in synagogue on a week day and would start to lay tefillin (phylacteries) daily; since girls did not participate in these rituals, little if anything was done to mark the day. However, in the 20th century, due to all sorts of pressures and desires (e.g. sociological - the desire to have a rite parallel to Christian confirmation; spiritual/religious - the desire to involve the maturing child in their religion and provide an opportunity for spiritual education and reflection; social - the desire to mark a rite of passage more visibly), the customs surrounding bar/batmitzvah have developed enormously. The very first public bat mitzvah only took place in 1922. Since then, entirely optional events like the party have become very central.


How long is a reform bat mitzvah?

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Bat Mitzvah parties don't have a set amount of time. People just choose for themselves. But if you are talking the day of celebration, it is the day of your Hebrew birthday.

Bat Mitzvah ceremonies can be different lengths depending on what day of the week they're held on. Some groups hold bat mitzvot on Friday evening around the service that welcomes in Shabbat. Other groups hold the service on Saturday mornings, the same as they do for bar mitzvot.

Why are bats mitzvahs held?

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A bar mitzvah is not performed. A Jewish boy becomes bar mitzvah at age 13, regardless of whether there is any ceremony. (The term for a girl is bat mitzvah.) At this age, a boy is, in the Jewish tradition, considered to be responsible for his own actions and able to be counted toward a minyan (the quorum of 10 required to hold public prayers) and to lead public prayers. It's traditional to hold a party to celebrate this, starting with a service in which the new young man actually leads some of the prayers to demonstrate that he is ready to take on this obligation. A party follows, and by the middle ages, there were rabbis who said it was worthy of the same kind of celebration you'd hold for a wedding.

What is the difference between a Bas Mitzvah and a Bat Mitzvah?

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Same thing, different pronunciations. "Bas" is the Hebrew pronunciation dialect

associated with Ashkenazic Jews. "Bat" is the Hebrew pronunciation dialect

associated with Sephardic Jews, and adopted by the state of Israel. They're

the same word, regardless of pronunciation.

The celebration does require a lot of hard / prep work and organization as well. Bar mitzvah and bat mitzvahparties use a wide variety of favors or decorations, they are also called mazeltovfavors.

When is a bat mitzvah held?

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A Bat Mitzvah is typically celebrated when a young girl turns 12, the Jewish age of maturity for women. As for the actual celebration, it usually happens during the Shacharit (Morning) Service on Shabbat (Saturday).

How old is a Jewish girl when she has a Bat Mitzvah?

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A female is considered to reach the same level of mature intelligence at the age of twelve.

A male is considered to be sufficiently mature to understand his responsibilities as an adult, and the consequences of his actions, at the age of thirteen.

These are the ages of bar- and bat-mitzvah.

What do you get someone for their bat-mitzvah?

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Even though a Bat Mitzvah is a very religious ceremony for the turning age of 12 or 13,You can buy them a present you would buy a Non-Jewish person for their birthday.(Money,Toys,Electronics,Clothes,Etc.)Do not bring it to the ceremony though,Just the party.

What is the Jewish bat Mitzvah?

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To the community, it means the perpetuation of our religion and history to another generation. Jews tend to be really into our history and community, so being able to celebrate history continuing to another new generation is an important event, not just to the immediate family, but the whole community.

Why is a bar or bat mitzvah special to judaism?

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Bar is Aramaic for 'son'.

Bat is Hebrew for 'daughter'.

When a boy turns 13 and a girl turns 12, they are considered adults in the eyes of Judaism. This means that they are now responsible for taking on the religious responsibilities of adult Jews - fasting, being counted for community prayers, etc.

What are some good places to find dresses for an upcoming Bat Mitzvah?

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You should try to check your grandmas closet! I've found lotsa great stuff there, and vintage is in this season! for Free!!! and if you decide to take an all out shopping spree go to Value Village, it has amazing clothes! all the latest "In" styles. yes, the prices are kinda out of hand. (10$ for a dress! Outrageously expensive!) but if you want to splurge, it's the right place to go!

Where did a bar bat mitzvah originate from?

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They originated in Europe.

How do you congratulate someone who makes a Bat Mitzvah?

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The Bat Mitzvah is a ceremony that celebrates a girl becoming a bat mitzvah, that she is now old enough to take on the religious responsibilities of an adult , in her faith community. The traditional wish, after her first time reading from the Torah publicly is "mazel tov" and to comment on how good a job she did.

If you wish to know what the appropriate gift is, in most communities, girls will register at gift stores. Alternatively, if you wish to give a monetary gift, the tradition is to give multiples of 18 as this is the numerical value for the Hebrew word for life. If the girl in question is not a close family friend, $18 dollars is suitable.

Can you be banned from attending a Bar or Bat Mitzvah?

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Yes, it is a private function. You can be removed from the premises, and even arrested.

More information You should never attend any social function to which you are not welcome. If you have some kind of compulsion to attend a wedding, it's probably due to an obsession with either the bride or groom.

Move on; leave these people alone to live their lives without you.

What do you wear in Bat Mitzvah?

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A Bat Mitzvah is a religious ceremony so you should dress appropriately for the setting. That being said, most people dress semi-formally.


For a girl: everyone's gonna b telling u different things but they probably havent been to one in a while. Ive been to a few recently and ill tell you what people wear. they wear party dresses. some are strapless, some one shoulder and some have 2 straps. your dress shouldn't be longer than your knees but shouldn't be too short. it should be a little more than half way down your thigh. for makeup u can wear mascara, lip gloss, eye liner, and natural eye shadow. most people straighten their hair. shoes: wear heels or nice flats. if you wear heels, the should be at least 2.5 inches but no more than 4. don't worry if you think you won't be able to dance in them because most parties do not have socks that you can take. hope this helps


G-mas closet is a great place to look. Vintage is in this season, and the prices are unbelievable!! (free!) most dresses will be past the knees, but I've found that farm girl-chic is a very stylish look for B-mitzvahs this season. If you're going to a guys, then below the ankles is appropriate, anything above, and I've found that parents tend to talk about it behind your back. (even adults have gossip!) These dresses go great with pointy-toed slippers, if you want to totally immerse yourself in the vintage-chic look. I've found that curling your hair is a great tip, as jewish mothers will praise you for acknowledging their religion, and looking appropriately Jewish. Hope this helps! :)

What do you call a Jewish ceremony for someone turning thirteen?

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If youre a boy, your bar Mitzvah!! if youre a girl you do it at 12 and its called a bat Mitzvah! biggest celebration of every Jews life bigger than a wedding

Where was rosewood used in the Bible?

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There is no reference to Rosewood in the King James Version (KJV), New King James Version, the New International Version or the New American Standard Bible (NASB).

What are the same about bar Mitzvah and bat Mitzvah?

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Amazing! There is a service in the morning for about an hour and a half. There normally is a party after or later that day, sometimes even the next day! (:

Do you bring a gift to a bat mitzvah?

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you could bring money


If the synagogue is Conservative or Orthodox, never try to give a monetary gift (this include gift cards as they're the equivalent of cash) at a bar mitzvah. The reason is that Jews do not handle money on shabbat (the sabbath). In fact, it's not a good idea to bring a gift of any kind to the synagogue. Either drop off the gift at the family's home in advance or wait until the party.

What happens if Jewish children don't celbrate Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah?

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When a Jewish girl turns 12 she automatically becomes a bat mitzvah according to Jewish law, there is no choice in the matter. If the question is regarding the ceremony that is held to celebrate this event, there is no actual requirement for the ceremony, this is a modern practice.

What is the Jewish rites of passage?

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For newborns: Brit Milah for boys; Zeved Habat for girls;

At age 3 years (In Chassidim) Upsherins for boys; First Shabbat candle lighting for girls.

For Teens; Bar Mitzvah for boys; Bat Mitzvah for girls.
