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Not enough information to answer. There were a lot of countries involved in the conflict of WWI, WHAT country are you referring to?

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Espionage acts.

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Q: Federal law enacting in World War 1 that made criticism of government a crime?
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When was the federal government made?

Many countries around the world have a Federal Government, all "made" at different times.

Who has a federal government?

The term "federal government" is a loosely applied term and can be used to refer to the national government of almost every nation in the world.

What are the 5 kinds of government in the world?

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What is a federal system?

A federal system is the government for the whole country. In the US, the "main office" of all federal government agencies is Washington, DC. There are many offices of the federal government located all over the country, in US territories, and many countries throughout the world.

What a federal system?

A federal system is the government for the whole country. In the US, the "main office" of all federal government agencies is Washington, DC. There are many offices of the federal government located all over the country, in US territories, and many countries throughout the world.

What is an example of an unconstitutional government in today's world?

The federal government taking over and controlling private industry. The government determining salary caps for people not on the federal payroll. A government that will not enforce it's own laws pertaining to border security.

What did the federal government due when shortages occurred during World War 2?


How did federal government raise money for world war 1?

taxes and liberty bonds

Are federal and state government the same thing?

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What happened to the federal government in the US as a result of World War 1?

The scope of its power increased.

Is it true or false that the U.S. Constitution created the world's first federal form of government?

This is TRUE!

How does India's government work?

The modern Republic of India is a vibrant and the largest democracy in the world by population. At the federal level the Indian government has an independent legislature, executive and judiciary. India also has a federal system of states.