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No. Fluids move away from areas of high pressure and toward areas of low pressure.

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Q: Fluids like air tend to move toward areas of high pressure?
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Do fluids like air tend to move toward areas of high or low pressure?

Fluids tend to move toward low pressure areas.

How do fluids move through a pressure difference?

Fluids flow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.

Explain why drinking through a straw shows that fluids flow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure?

Because your sucking

How does drinking from a straw show fluids flow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure?

w,the pressure in the straw is reduced.but the atmospeheric pressure on the surface of the liquid stays the same.

Explain why drinking through a straw shows that fluids flow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure-?

This is significant as the drink moves up the straw and into your mouth.

Fluids create high or low pressure?

fluids create low pressure.

After high pressure areas are created around the poles cold polar air flows toward?

The low pressure area at the Equator.

Wind moves from areas of?

(2) high pressure toward regions of low pressure

What direction does the wind blow?

A southeast wind is from the southeast toward the northwest.

After high pressure areas are created around the poles cold polar air flows toward what?

The South Pole

What happens to the sind speed as the air pressure gets lower..why?

It increases. High pressure air always moves toward low pressure areas. When there is low pressure, the high pressure moves in, and the movement of air creates wind.

What kind of currents cause wind?

Winds are caused by differences in air pressure not currents. Air under high pressure moves toward areas of low pressure.