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The two operations - addition and multiplication - are different and so their identities are different.

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Q: For the identity property why does addition involve a zero and multiplication involve a one why don't they both use one or both use zero?
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Can growing patterns only involve multiplication and addition?

It can also include addition and multiplication using negative and positive numbers.

What are the adding rules?

There are four mathematical properties which involve addition. The properties are the commutative, associative, additive identity and distributive properties.A + B = B + C Commutative property(A+B) + C = A + (B +C) Associative PropertyA + 0 = A Additive Identity PropertyA*(B + C) = A*B + A*C Distributive property

Is multiplication a shortcut to addition?

Not necessarily. Both methods involve work, so neither really is a shortcut for each other.

What is Associative Property?

The addition or multiplication of a set of numbers is the same regardless of how the numbers are grouped. The associative property will involve 3 or more numbers. The parenthesis indicates the terms that are considered one unit.The groupings (Associative Property) are within the parenthesis. Hence, the numbers are 'associated' together. In multiplication, the product is always the same regardless of their grouping. The Associative Property is pretty basic to computational strategies. Remember, the groupings in the brackets are always done first, this is part of the order of operations.

Does division and multiplication involve negatives?

Not by necessity, but multiplication and division aredefined for negative numbers.

How does dividing a number by a fraction involve multiplication?

When dividing by a fraction, the answer is obtained by multiplying by the reciprocal.

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well identity theft involves an innocent person whose identity was stolen by an unknown person.

Is 09 0 multiplicative identity?

No. Although there are no signs - thanks to this browser, the multiplicative identity should involve the number 1.

Where bodmas rule in maths used in real life?

It is used in evaluating almost all mathematical expressions. The only exceptions are ones which involve only addition and subtraction, or only multiplication and division, or are so trivial that the are expressed in BODMAS order.

What is the associate property?

Associative property states that the change in grouping of three or more addends or factors does not change their sum or product For example, (A + B) + C = A + ( B + C) and so either can be written, unambiguously, as A + B + C. Similarly with multiplication. But neither subtraction nor division are associative.

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it is more of a physical property depending on the strength of the substances' atomic/molecular columb forces, and the difference between internal and external pressure. so no it does not involve chemical property

The moral principle is involve when a car driver who is involve in an accident is changed reckless in prudence causing damage of property?

Recklessness may constitute an offense against property.