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To listen and hear the sounds in where they live.

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to help find their prey

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Q: For what do leopards use their ears?
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Related questions

Are snow leopards ears big?

Snow leopards have at least 3 inches long of ears.

How does a leopards communicates with anther leopard?

apart from scent marking and vocal noises Leopards use the white patches on their ears (Ocelli) and tails to communicate with other Leopards.

How big are snow leopards ears?

about the size of a tigers paw,or a bob cat

What are the adaptations that okapi's have?

Their striped legs help them camouflage.They have 30cm flexible, blue tongues that they use to strip leaves and tree buds.They have large ears which help them detect their predators, leopards.!!!!they are so cool!!!!!

What do humans use black leopards for?

they use them for burbing

How do animals use their ears?

animals can have holes for ears or can use smell if they don't have ears

Do animals move their ears any other way?

animals can have holes for ears or can use smell if they don't have ears

How do leopards avoid predators?

they use speed

What do snow leopards do with their tail?

They use it to steer

Were does money for snow leopards really go?

The money goes to the company and to use it to help the snow leopards life.

All ears use in the sentence?

my i have your all ears

Can you use the collective noun a spot of leopard?

A spot of leopards would work. Collective nouns are not set in concrete; any noun suitable for the context can be used as a collective noun. A noun is not inherently a collective noun; a noun is determined to be a collective noun by its use in grouping people or things. The standard collective nouns for leopards are a leap of leopards (also spelled 'leep' or 'lepe') and a keep of leopards.