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Fossilized waste material left by animals are known as coprolites.

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Q: Fossilized waste material left by an animal?
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What are two things could you tell about an animal that left behind large flat worn-down fossilized teeth?

The animal ate a lot of plants. That individual was old when it died.

Can human and animal waste be converted into fuel gas.?

poo is the toxins and left overs from the food the body does not need or does not want that is pushed out the rear of the body.

What is the difference between spoils and tailing?

The difference is the source of the material. Spoils come from overburden and is discarded as waste. Tailings come from left over dredging of stream beds that are discarded as as waste as well.

Why is a mummy not a fossil?

Because with a Mummy, the tissues are preserved. Where as with a fossil, you have no tissue. You're really only left with fossilized bones.

What is farming waste?

Well farming waste is the left over crops and caow or other animal waste. In Iandia they use cow waste as a source of stove to cook food. Wasteing crops has a big difference in your health. If you would eat that left over crops you would look healther. it is slurry and it is pid and cow poo and poo and hay

The decayed plant and animal material in the soil?

It is called humus.

Why is the waste left at landfills to rot?

The waste are not recyclable.

What is nuclear waste and why should it not be dumped into the sea or left exposed on land?

Nuclear waste is the spent fuel discharged from the reactor, and it is highly radioactive and would rapidly kill any person or animal exposed to it. Therefore it must always be well shielded. At first after removal from the reactor it is kept immersed in water, but after some time it can be removed into shielded containers. It would never be dumped into the sea, as the zirconium sheath material would be corroded after years and allow the dangerous material to escape.

What is the difference between a mold and a trace fossil?

A Fossil is the remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological ageA trace fossil is the burrows, trails, etc, of an animal.A trace fossil is where something left a mark on something else, and then became fossilized. A body fossil is a fossil of a once living thing.

Is incinerators the most economical method of solid waste disposal?

No. Burning waste material results in pollutants being introduced into the air and environment which presents an expensive health hazard and can be costly to clean up. Also most waste is not entirely consumed by fire so measures must still be taken to dispose of what is left. Most of what is burned is food leftovers, wood and plants. Instead of becoming ashes, this biological material can be composted to be recycled as useful topsoil material. Metal and plastic waste including containers and electronics can also be recycled and reused.