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Q: Four canasisates run for president of the student council Three other candidates run for vice president In how many ways can the two offices be filled?
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What offices are candidates running for in tomorrows election?

Without specific information on the location and date of the election, it is not possible to provide a list of offices that candidates are running for. Elections can be held at various levels of government, including national, state/provincial, and local, and candidates can run for positions such as president, governor, mayor, senator, representative, council member, etc.

Where does the county council meet?

Councils usually meet in council offices - in the council chamber.

Which two offices are the only nationally elected offices?

In the US, the offices of President and vice-president are the only nationally elected offices.

From which source of funding do candidates get the most money?

Most campaign funding for candidates is privately financed. Public financing is available for qualifying candidates for President during both the primaries and the general election and races for non-federal offices are governed by state and local law which vary.

What other offices may the vice president hold during his incumbency?

Two offices or perhaps better said positions of a US Vice President are these: 1. Presiding officer of the US Senate; and 2. At the discretion of the President, the Vice President can be a member of the National Security Council. 3. Other duties are possible based on various circumstances.

Name the political party that controls the executive branch?

The President is head of the executive branch.

What was the effect of the spoils system?

When the president gives an easy government or federal job to someone who helped him or her financially when they were running for president.

Who is the permanent executive member of India?

The Union Executive consists of three offices, The President, Vice-President, and Council of Ministers. as of May 2014, the President of the Union Executive was Pranab Mukherjee.

Who plays the role of recruiting candidates to office and directly connecting the public to candidates and elected leaders?

For federal offices and some statewide offices, most of that is handled by the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee.

What is city hall?

It is the business offices of the city where the mayor and city council meet as well as city offices and management.

Who is up for election in America?

In America, the President, members of Congress (House of Representatives and Senate), as well as many state and local officials are up for election. The specific candidates and offices will vary depending on the election year and the jurisdiction in question.

Can a president be the vice president?

No- These are two separate offices.