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The antecedent of a pronoun is most often the noun in the sentence that comes before the pronoun.

For example, Chloe returned in order to collect her luggage.

The pronoun her 'refers back' to Chloe; telling us that the luggage belonged to Chloe.

When it is not clear which noun that the pronoun replaces, the sentence should be revised. An example:

Jane and June love her children. Whose children are they? We can't tell by the way the sentence is worded. The sentence need rewording:

Jane and June love their sister'schildren.

They (Jane and June) watch them (the children) whenever she (their sister) is away. With the previous sentence corrected, it's easier to tell which pronoun represents which noun.

Sometimes pronouns 'point forward', as in When she sat down at her desk, Mary started writing theletter.

Some pronouns are indefinite pronouns and have no antecedent:

One should not do that. (no one, no specified person, should do that, not anyone)

You may have some. (an unspecified amount, whatever amount you feel suitable)

They are digging up the road. (they is used for unspecified people).

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12y ago

In grammar an antecedent is an earlier word, phrase, or clause to which a following pronoun refers back to.

He grabbed the ball and threw it in the air'. The noun ball is the antecedent of the pronoun it.

The apples are cheap, but they are not ripe yet. the noun apples is the antecedent of the pronoun they.

The antecedents of pronouns usually come before the pronouns. However, a pronoun may also stand for a noun which follows the pronoun.

Because they are sour, the apples will be used for cooking.

In this example, the pronoun they stands for the noun apples, which occurs later In the sentence.

So look for a pronoun such as it or he or she or they. Ask your self what does this pronoun refer to? The answer is the antecedent.

The girl sat by the side of the road, she looked lonely.

Pronoun is she what does she refer to ? answer is 'girl' - girl is the antecedent.

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13y ago

An antecedent is the noun that a pronoun is replacing in the sentence (stem ante means "before," and stem cedemeans "go," so it will almost always come at the beginning of the sentence).

Example: First Dana went to the doctor's, and then she went to the store.

"Dana" would be the antecedent.

An easy, easy way to find the antecedent is to look at the pronoun.

Example: John could have gone sledding, but he really didn't want to.

Look at the word "he." Then ask yourself, who is "he"? John! And there you have your antecedent.

****There isn't always an antecedent in every sentence, but that's fine.

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7y ago

A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause (a group of words that has a subject and a verb but is not a complete sentence) that 'relates' information about its antecedent.

The relative pronouns are: who, whom, whose, which, that.

In most cases, the relative clause immediately follows its antecedent; for example:

"The cafeteria often serves broccoli which I hate." Do I hate the cafeteria? No, it's the broccoli which I hate.

In order to recognize the antecedent, consider what information is being provided in the relative clause; for example:

"I heard the ad on the radio which caught my attention." What caught my attention the radio or the ad?

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9y ago

The antecedent for the personal pronoun 'it' is a singular noun for a thing.


Our freedom is a wonderful thing. It is something that should be appreciated.

The book was half price because it has a damaged cover.

The kitten is so cute. It is barely a month old.

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15y ago

In literature the antecedent is an action that happens before the story or play you are reading.

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12y ago

a prefix for a pronoun

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