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Governors are nearly like a president in regards to the fact that they are the highest government official in a certain area. However the president is in charge of a country, and a governor is in charge of a state.

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9y ago

Governors and Presidents have all the things in common except for the fact that the President is the head of the entire Country

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Q: Governors have all in common with presidents except?
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Almost all of them

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All US Presidents "serve" and "represent" every US State. The US President is is charge of the nation, not individual states, except collectively as "The United States of America". Every US State has a State Governor, the head of that individual State. The US has 50 States, hence, 50 governors.

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Except for the first, George Washington, all of them

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Presidents and governors are the chief executives of their unit of government. Mayors have varying powers depending on the cities, but some are like a president of their town, in charge of running the day to day operations of the city.

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All of the United States Presidents are men, they were all United States citizens, and they all had the responsibility of America and attempted to help improve the country.