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Groups of eight notes are known as octaves. This series of eight notes occupy the interval between, and including, two notes, one having twice or half the frequency of vibration of the other.

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Q: What do you call a group of 8 notes on the piano?
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What are the notes to a wedding song on the piano?

the notes of piano is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Why does the piano have 88 keys?

because notes come in octaves of 8 and 88 is a multiple of 8

What is a group of 8 notes called?

This group is known as octaves.

How many open syllables are in piano?

There are eighty eight keys on the standard piano. Electric keyboards have less. However, there are twelve different notes, which are contained in the chromatic scale C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B. After that, the notes are repeated but an octave higher or lower.

In mission 8 in clubpenguin what notes do you play on the piano in order?

Go to the Pizza Parlor first and get the Sheet Music from the penguin there.

What are the names of the piano octaves?

Piano octaves can be any name on the piano of one note, C octave, G# octave, Bb octave. An octave stands for octo which means 8 in Latin. If you notice any distance between two of the same notes they will always be eight (in terms of counting intervals, which means you count the first and last notes and well as all in between). Therefore if you pick any note on the piano, eight notes up or down from there will be an octave.

How are a scale and octave related?

In piano: A scale includes the full 8 notes from a given octave. An octave is a series of 8 notes, if its a C octave, it includes C D E F G A B and C. The scale includes the sharps and flats required of a key.

What can 8 N in an O be short for?

8 Notes in an Octave 8 Notes in an Octave

What does a C scale look like?

A C scale on a piano uses no accidentals (black keys). C D E F G A B C Just go up the keys starting on C (the note left of the group of two black keys) and travel up for 8 notes.

Piano notes for i got a feeling black eyed peas?

GD (4 TIMES) GC (2 TIMES) GB (2 TIMES) GC (8 TIMES) GB (8 TIMES) GC (8 TIMES) sorry that's all I know.

How many octaves does an 88 key piano have?

Well, octave are sets of 8 notes so most people would think 11, but it is actually 7 plus a minor third

What are the 8 notes and the pauses that Morgan Freeman played that his mom told him to play?

The scale on the piano. CDEFGABC (backwards). CBAGFEDC with the "pauses" his mother told him to insert. It plays "Joy to the World"