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had a heart ablation done two week ago and now i cant get erections age 61

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Q: Had a heart ablation done and now i don't get eretion this was two weeks ago?
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Related questions

What is the medical definition of cardiac ablation?

Ablation is the removal of something, such as the surgical removal of a body part, an organ or tumour, or the progressive removal of material by any of a variety of processes such as vaporization.

Where is Laser ablation of the prostate done?

The procedure is done in an operating room

Is RFA available in the Philippines?

YES. Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) can be done in National Kidney and Transplant Institute, Chong Hua Hospital, and Sacred Heart Medical Center.

Can you get a hernia after a cardiac ablation?

it is possible to get a hernia after a cardiac ablation. The procedures often done inserting a catheter in the large vein in the groin. It would be especially common in males.

What can be done for a uterine ablation?

A Endometrial ablation is used to destroy the lining of the uterus. The doctor will insert a slender tool through the cervix, there are no incisions made. Some of these procedures can be preformed in the office whiel others will be done in an operating room.

What specifically is ablation?

Radio Frequency ablation is a medical procedure used to treat tumors. This is done in conjunctin with something like x-ray screening, CT scans, or ultrasounds.

Is microwave ablation for liver cancer a series of treatments?

Ablation is a type of procedure that can be done to help with liver cancer. However, there are various other methods as well, such as partial removal of the liver.

Can stress cause bleeding after microwave endometrial ablation?

Physical stress can cause some breakthrough bleeding after a procedure such as an ablation. Be sure to allow the recommended healing time after this procedure is done.

What must be determined about the heartbeat before a catheter ablation is conducted?

Abnormalities in different areas of the heart cause different types of irregular heartbeats; the type of arrhythmia must be clearly defined before this procedure can be properly done.

Can a baby be seen on ultrasound at 11 weeks without a heartbeat and be all right?

If the heartbeat is not visible at 11 weeks on an ultrasound, that would be cause for concern. The fetal heart begins beating approx. 22 days after implantation into the uterine lining. An ultrasound done at 6 weeks will confirm a viable pregnancy and you would be able to see the heart beating.

How many weeks pregnant must you be to see anything?

Pregnancy is not a remedy for blindness. You need an ophthalmologist, not an OB/GYN. when i was 7weeks pregnant i had to have a vaginal ultrasound cause i was having complications and it kind of looked like a bean image but when you are 15 to 18 weeks they sometimes can tell the gender of the baby

What damage can be done after having chlamydia for 2 weeks?

No damage will be done from 2 weeks of chlamydia infection.