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I believe hardware is controlled through the BIOS and OS Kernel

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Q: Hardware is controlled by what type of software?
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Is VDU hardware or software?

A VDU is hardware.

What type of software works with end users application software and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details?

This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details.

Is a user interface a hardware or a software?

A user interface can be software or hardware, but it is mainly software. It will depend on the situation. If you are entering directly through a keyboard, it could be hardware, but software can also be considered, as the screen layout is designed by software and that is determining where you type on the screen, like the locations of text boxes, and it has the prompts and it is validating what you type in. We use hardware to enter data, but the actual user interface can be considered as software, though they are obviously linked.

What type of software is used to format a diskette?

The formatting of a diskette is done by the driver hardware. Any software that can access the driver hardware interface can do this.

Which type of software coordinates the hardware and software of a computer to work efficiently and productively?

Microsoft windows

Is an internet browser hardware or software?

Internet Explorer is a software application on your computer. Hardware is something that you can physically touch (in most cases). Software is what runs on the computer to make the hardware work.

Is Skype a software or hardware?

Skype is a type of video conferencing software. You would install the software on your computer. To effectively use it however, you would need a webcam and microphone, which are hardware components.

What type of software that has qualities of both hardware and software is?

Firmware is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs.

Is scanner a hardware or software?

A scanner is both hardware and software, the device itself is hardware (all devices are hardware) but the driver(a program) that runs it is software.

Is music a software or hardware?

music is a type of signl in form of discrete.

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What is Emulated software and ported software?

Emulated software is software run in an program which pretends to be some type of old hardware for the purposes of running that software. Ported software is software that can be run directly on a specific platform without having to emulate the hardware of the platform the software was made on.