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Electrons have a negative charge

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Thi is the Bohr model.

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Q: Planetary model of the atom where electrons orbit around nucleus?
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Describe the planetary model of an atom?

The planetary model of an atom is simple. The nucleus is the planet and the electrons are the moons in the model.

What was Niels Bohr's major accomplishment?

The bohr diagram. it was a planetary model with the nucleus and the electrons floating around it

Why was Bohr's model called a planetary model?

Because it postulates that the nuclei is in the center and electrons are spinning around the nuclei on its orbitals which is very similar to the planetary model of our solar system.

What samilarities are there between the Bohr Model and the Planetary Model?

Both involve a center (Sun or atomic nucleus) and some objects that moves around him (planets or electrons).

Who made a model of electrons surrounding the nucleus at a distance?

Dalton proposed planetary model. He kept electrons at a distance.

Why could Bohr model be called a planetary of an atom?

Because it is supposed that electrons move around atomic nucleus similar to movement of planets around a sun.

What describes Bohr atomic model?

The nucleus contains protons and neutrons and is orbited by electrons. ( Apex 2021)

How do you make a 3D model of vanadium?

you will need to know how many protons, neutrons and electrons your vanadium atom has. The nucleus, the central part of the atom, all of your atom's protons and neutrons go in the nucleus, The electrons are found outside the nucleus. Depending on which model of atomic structure (Planetary Model, Bohr Model) your are studying your electrons will be placed.

What is the Bohr's model?

a Bohr model is a diagram of an atom that describes the arrangement of the subatomic particles(electrons, neutrons, and protons) protons and neutrons are in the nucleus and the electrons in the electron shells.

Where are the electrons located in Bohr's atomic model?

In this model, the electrons move or orbit around the protons that are at the center of the atom. Electrons move around the nucleus, which contains the proton, in orbits that have a definite size and energy.

Where electrons are placed in solar system model?

The electrons typically rotate around the nucleus in the solar system model.

What does the Bohr Model represent?

It represents the atoms as going in orbits around the nucleus, similar to the way planets move around the Sun. However, in the case of the atom, the force that keeps the electrons in orbit would be the electrostatic force.