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Yes, quite a few times. One famous instance in which the Supreme Court overruled its prior precedent was Brown v. Board of Education, the case which held that segregated schools denied African American children equal educational opportunities. In that case, the Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, (1896) (espousing the infamous "separate but equal" doctrine), relying heavily on findings from social science.

The Supreme Court rarely overrules its own precedent, however, and will often find ways to distinguish a case (explain why that prior case is different from the case at bar and why the outcome here should be different) before it overturns it. When the Supreme court does overturn a case, it will usually do so explicitly and explain the rationale for its departure.

The Congressional Research Service published a book on the US Constitution in which there were over 100 cases showing that the Supreme Court had overruled itself.

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Q: Has the US Supreme Court ever overruled a former US Supreme Court decision?
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