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Q: Have you heard about Penny Appeal USA's initiatives What are your thoughts on their approach to tackling poverty and crises?
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What were the results of Johnson's Great Society initiatives?

Medicare, medicaid, war on poverty

How many people does oxfand help each year?

Oxfam helps millions of people each year through its various programs and initiatives aimed at tackling poverty, inequality, and injustice around the world. The exact number can vary annually based on the specific projects and emergencies Oxfam responds to.

Traditional mechanism enhanced high fertility in Tanzania?

The traditional mechanisms in Tanzania that enhanced high fertility include; 1. creating an enabling environment for effective poverty eradication; 2. empowering the poor to participate in poverty eradication programmes; 3. ensuring full participation of women in poverty eradication initiatives; 4. providing coordination mechanisms for the implementation of poverty eradication initiatives; and 5. promoting equality of opportunity for men and women to lead a decent and productive life.

What primary areas did President Johnson's Great Society seek to address?

The Great Society aimed to address poverty, racial injustice, and access to healthcare and education. It included initiatives such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Civil Rights Act, and the War on Poverty.

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Lifeline Energy's motto is 'Tackling Energy Poverty'.

How do you prevent poverty in the Philippines?

The first thing that needs to happen to solve the problem of poverty is to weed out government corruption. But there are charities, like the Philippine Aid Society, that are fighting poverty and one way to help be part of the solution is to support these initiatives.

What kind of company is Street Level from Canada?

Street Level in Canada is primarily a company devoted to tackling the homelessness and poverty situation in Canada. They maintain a variety of regional chapters located through Canada to help with their mission.

How political science approach the problem in poverty?

Political science examines poverty through the lens of government policies and institutions to understand how they contribute to or alleviate poverty. Researchers study how political decisions impact social welfare programs, economic policies, and public service delivery that can affect poverty rates. By analyzing the intersection of politics and poverty, political science aims to uncover ways to address and reduce poverty through policy changes and governance.

Mohammad yunus was given the nobel prize in which field?

Muhammad Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his efforts in founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering microcredit initiatives to alleviate poverty in Bangladesh.

Why was world vision created?

World Vision was founded to address poverty and injustice in developing countries by providing emergency relief, sustainable development, and community empowerment programs. It aims to improve the well-being of children and families living in poverty through various initiatives such as healthcare, education, clean water, and economic development.

What programs are asociated with the great society?

The Great Society programs were introduced by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s and included initiatives such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the War on Poverty. These programs aimed to address issues of poverty, civil rights, education, and healthcare in the United States.

What countries do comic relief support?

Comic Relief primarily focuses its support on countries in Africa and the United Kingdom. They fund various projects in these countries aimed at tackling poverty and social injustice. Additionally, they have supported projects in other regions on occasions.