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Unless it gets real heavey I wouldn't worry

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Q: Have been spotting brownish blood for the 2nd- 3rd week on and off after conception and today you had light red blood. Does this mean i should worry?
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You have been spotting brownish blood for the 2nd 3rd week on and off after conception and today you had light red blood Am you going to Miscarry?

only if the bleeding continues to getr heavier

Spotting red blood before period?

Brownish then after few hours light bright red blood

Your period is down but you only see blood when you wipe yourself?

Is the blood red or like a brownish color???? because if its brown you are spotting and its not your period

5 weeks and spotting is brownish and now reddish?

It could be impantation spotting. If you had sex within a day of the spotting starting it could be from the cervix. However if it is changing to red you need to go to see a doctor asap, and make sure your not having a miscarriage. When I was first pregnant with my baby I had spotting without sex and it was from implantation but it was brown blood which is old blood. Red blood is fresh blood!! Good luck.

Brown spotting after cvs?

Very common. Brown blood is old blood and should not be too concerning. If you begin spotting red blood or experience cramping you should contact your OB.

What does brownish spotting instead of your period mean?

your most likely pregnant and it is old blood you need to let your doctor check you could be pregnant and old blood your uterus is getting rid off

Your periods are irregular and you have been cramping and you thought you were going to get on your period but it didnt come last night you started spotting light brownish pink and now today its heavy?

brown spotting is just old blood leaving the system before the fresh blood comes out. it happens to everyone. but if unusual things are happening you should see your doctor just to be safe

Why is your blood plasma brownish in color?

if your blood plasma is a brownish color is means you are not healthy, i think

Red blood spotting at 13 weeks pregnant but only after sex should i worry?

You don't have to worry about spotting. You should worry about a heavy flow. You should also talk to your doctor.

What are symptoms of conception?

Bleeding isn't but spotting. If it is heavy, it is unlikely that it is the sign of implantation.

Its 3 days after her period and 2 days after conception and she has brownish spotting you are worried she may be pregnant she is supposed to ovulate on October 4 and you had sex Sept 25 Is She Pregnan?

I would say no.What do you mean by 2 days after conception? You haven't conceived yet if you haven't ovulated. The brown spotting could just be old blood being released. Another way your body uses to clean it's self out. Sperm lasts in the body for 5 days but an egg only lasts for like 24-48 hours. If she hasn't ovulated, chances of releasing an egg already are very, very slim.

I had my period about a week ago now im bleeding brownish blood what does this mean?

it could mean anthing and could just be normal spotting which happens to everyone once in a while, your pill could be affecting this to, if you were acctive, it could be implanain bleeding which occurs about 5 days after possible conception though it is often mistaken for a period it is not you can define it by it will probably be shorter and lighter and a piny or a brownish colour