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who laid down the basic foundation for the science of genetics

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Q: He laid down the basic foundation for the science of genetics?
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Who laid down the basic foundation for science of genetics?

Gregor Mendel laid down the basic foundation for the science of genetics in the mid to late 1800's. He did it with his studies in pea plants and crossbreeding.

Is genetics a prefix or a suffix?

'Genetics' is neither a prefix nor a suffix. It can itself be broken down into component parts. Genetics is a noun coming from a Latin origin.

Why is Mendel important to science?

Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. He observed that pea plants had certain characteristics that were dominant. He concluded by observing the traits of cross breeding different types of pea plants that traits such as height, flower color, and seed shape were determined by dominant factors. Since Mendel laid down the principles of inheritance based on his experiments on hybridization in pea plant, a systematic study in genetics started to explain many unanswered questions. Mendel's contribution was recognized and he is rightly been considered as father of genetics. Mendel's approach of mathematics in biological science led him to arrive at such conclusions.

The study of what is inherited?

The study of inherited characteristics is genetics.

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they are through genetics

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you cant, you have to put the foundation down first, then put the wall on top of the foundation (like around the edge of the foundation)

Define genetic study?

There is no such thing as genetic study-but there is such thing as genetics. Genetics is the study of heredity, or how traits are passed down from parent to offspring.

Where do genetics get formed?

Genetics are made in the nucleous off cell based on the cells and genes that are passed down form your mother or dad and passed generations...

What disorders are influenced strongly by genetics?

There are a number of disorders that are passed down through genetics. Some examples are Lupus, MS, and Sickle Cell Anemia.

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'Science' does not break down food.

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Their attempts to arrange information on substances so they could clarify and anticipate the products of their chemical reactions, resulted in them laying down the foundation for the modern day periodic table of elements.

What is the meaning of Mendelian?

Mendelian refers to the principles of genetics developed by Gregor Mendel in the 19th century. Mendelian genetics focuses on the inheritance of traits from parents to offspring through the passing of alleles. Mendel's work laid the foundation for the study of genetics.