

Hello world program

Updated: 12/12/2022
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15y ago

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A "Hello world" program is usually the very first program you write when learning a new programming language, it simply prints out the text "Hello World". Below are a few examples:


echo "Hello World";



document.write("Hello World");

_____________________________________ Visual Basic:

Module Hello

Sub Main()

MsgBox("Hello, World!") ' Display message on computer screen.

End Sub

End Module

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Hello world is the canonical program that all programming languages use to introduce new programmers to the language. The program simply prints the text "Hello world" via console output and helps programmers quickly identify the key difference in each specific language's implementation of that program.

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A C program #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello, world!"); }

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#include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl; return(0); }

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The same way we do it in every other programming language: we start with the canonical "hello world" application: #include<stdio.h> int main (void) { printf ("Hello world!\n"); return 0; } Every other C program is merely an extension of the hello world application.

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Writing a program in C is not a difficult task. You simply need to have a compiler or an editor supporting the syntax defined in the C Standard. An example of the "Hello, World!" program in C: #include <stdio.h> int main () { printf("Hello, World!"); return 0; }

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Ah, the infamous "Hello World" program. I'm assuming you have a compiler (if not Dev-C++ if a good) the code is as follows: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World" << endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }

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/* my second program in C++ with more comments */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "Hello World! "; // prints Hello World! cout << "I'm a C++ program"; // prints I'm a C++ program return 0; }

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#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Hello world!"); return 0; } Of course, all you have to do is merely replace "Hello, world!" with your chosen name.

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No, "Hello world" is typically the first program assignment in introductory computer programming classes as it is trivial to write and almost useless.

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#include <stdio.h> #define HELLO(s) printf ("%s\n", s) #define MAIN main (void) { HELLO ("Hello world!"); return 0; } MAIN

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It doesn't have to be complicated. Just look at "Hello World" for your proof.