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This is wrong. I believe it is anywhere from 3-5 days for heroin to stay in your urine.

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14y ago
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14y ago

depending on dose,metabolism ALL of it will be out of your system 3-4 days max.

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12y ago

4 days it will be clean maybe three

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Q: What is the longest heroin can stay in your urine?
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How long does it take heroin to get out your system if you smoke it?

Heroin will stay in the urine for 3-5 days

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If you mean would bleach remove heroin from a urine sample the short answer is no heroin is a drug not a bacteria or virus if bleach was added to urine it would definitely not take the heroin out of the urine if it were present.

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It can stay in your urine for 72 to as long 90 hours.

How do you cleanse your urine of heroin?

It is not possible to clean heroine out of a person's urine.

How do you pass urine test if used heroin if you used?

Stop taking heroin.

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how can i get a clean urine from heroin when i smoked it last night and hot to give urine sample today.

How long does heroin stay in your blood urine and organs?

7 Days tops for sure dude. For most people its 72 hours or less, but after 7 days an addict who's done it his entire life would be clean of heroin.

How long does heroin stay in your system with a urine test?

Daily use of three weeks Depending on how much and how often you used 24-72 hours max.

When does heroin reach your urine after shooting it?

8 hrs?

Will heroin show up in your urine if you stayed clean for 4 days?

Heroin will be out of most people's systems in 1 to 3 days. Four days will be beyond the threshold, since Heroin is water-soluable, so it will not show in your urine.

How long does heroin stay in your urine if you smoke 0.2gram's?

I'd say 24-36 hours for once in a while use.. and up to 48 hours for habitual use.

How many hours does it take for heroin to enter your urine?
