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Q: How Astrology Can Heal Broken Family Bonds?
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yes, it helps to heal the broken bone

How long does it take to heal after a broken femur?

how long does it take to heal a broken femur? it has been a year and still not normal is this the norm?

Will the ligament connect by itself after broken?

No. Ligaments do not heal on their own if broken.

How long does it take for a broken neck to completely heal?

The amount of time it will take for a broken neck to completely heal will vary with each person. The broken neck could take a few months to heal, a few years, or in some cases, never.

What to do to heal broken foot?

Don't walk on it.

Can bones heal after they are broken?

If bones are broken and heal, they always heal themselves when they are broken. All a doctor can do is see that they are properly set so they can heal properly and not at an angle. The body does the actual healing. A number of people walk around with improperly healed fractures.

How do you heal a broken leg?

To heal a broken leg you want to make sure that you go see a doctor. They will need to put a cast on it and in some cases, surgery might even be necessary to help it heal.

How can you get over a relationship?

You can get over a relationship it takes time. Try and keep yourself busy and surround yourself with friends and family. In time your broken heart will heal.

What does but if you could heal a broken heart wouldn't time be out to charm you mean from the guns and roses song November rain?

it just means that if someone could heal a broken heart they would get much happiness. like karma and stuff, so he is basically saying that if someone has the power to heal someones broken heart, that is the best thing that person can do. in this song he is saying that the girl had the power to heal a broken heart.

What is eart made of?

Cartilage. If broken it will not heal by itself.

Does skin heal broken bones?

No. Broken bones need to be repaired through surgery or reset.

Can magnets help broken bones heal faster?

It has not been scientifically proved that magnets can help heal bones.