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English has become a widely-used and almost universally known language. Not everyone speaks it perfectly, but because of the British empire, countries all over the world were exposed to English; thus, while people in England and America and Canada speak it, so do people in India, Ghana, South Africa, and many other places. To this day, English is the language used by pilots and air-traffic controllers all over the world, and it is also an important language for business, research, and science.

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Q: How English language affected the communities across the world?
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How did English manage to survive?

The English language has not really had any trouble managing to survive. Because of the British Empire, the English language was spread across the world.

What are the factors involved in spreading English language across the world?

Besides being the language of business I think English speaking films and music have had a lot to do with the spread of English.

Why is English called a global language and how is it spreading and dominating by limes and bounds?

English Language is Called a Global Language as britishers dominated the world for 2 centuries. They left their culture and language across the globe.

What is the common language of people of Asia?

The most common language spoken across the countries of Asia is English.

The widespread use of the English language across the globe is known as cultural?

dialects by deon robinson

Why is English important for business and communication?

English is a common language, therefore, knowing English will help you increase the amount of business you can do across the world. Many foreigners can speak English.

Why is English being learned across the world?

well they might be thinking of moving and English is an easy language //// English has become over the centuries the international business language probably because the English empire was so widespread and it is also easy to learn

Why is it that on no one seems to have a grasp of the English language?

It may be because the site uses contrubutors from across the world, some of whom do not speak English as their first language. For example, it was my third language. Perhaps you would like to demonstrate your fluency in your third language!

What are the langueges in botswana?

The official language of Botswana is English although Setswana is widely spoken across the country.

What happened to English language during 1600-1900-imperialism?

The primary thing that happened to the English language during imperialism from 1600 - 1900 was its rapid expansion across the world. The language itself also grew more complex in its structure.

What is role of English in today's world?

English is the most widespread language on Earth, and is spoken by millions of people. It's the official language of many countries across the world; thus it's the language of international and local business. English is the language of science and technology, and the most powerful language ever spoken on planet Earth with a vocabulary bank of about 750,000 words.

What is a whom?

Whom is a word in the English language. It is use to describe an object Example; Whom can you see across the street?