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Q: How a person suffering from emphysema cannot breathe properly?
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Why does emphysema make it hard to eat?

Have you ever tried eating while your nose was stuffed up and you could barely breathe out of it? Its a similar feeling to having emphysema, the not being able to breathe very well. Except for people with emphysema its not just their nose that they have trouble breathing through. Their lungs cannot fill with an adequate amount of air, (there isn't room in their lungs for that). It pretty hard to eat when you can barely breathe. If their condition is severe enough it can almost be like trying to hold your breath while eating. Try it once, you understand how they feel. :( Yet another reason not to smoke.

What effect does cigarette smoking have on your lungs and oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide?

Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain of smoking effects on the body often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure. Emphysema makes it difficult to breath and cannot be cured.

Does swelling in lower legs be caused by emphysema?

Probably. If you have emphysema and cannot breathe well, not enough oxygen is going through your body. Swelling of the legs could be a symptom of it not getting enough oxygen. Since the legs are extremities of the body, the body could be keeping the oxygen through different routes, closer to the core.

How does bronchitis affect an athlete?

Bronchitis affects an athlete by making it hard for them to breathe properly. Athletes need a good respiratory system in order to take part in an event .With bronchitis its much harder for them than the other competitors.

What is characterized anatomically as the permanent abnormal enlargement of distal airway spaces and destruction of the alveolar walls?

Emphysema. The alveolar walls are destroyed and replaced with scar tissue, which cannot allow diffusion of oxygen from the alveolus to the capillary. It cannot be reversed.

A disease of the lungs that can't be reversed?

Emphysema cannot be reversed.

Is emphysema caused from a person's lifestyle?

NO, emphysema cannot be solely blamed on a person's lifestyle. Emphysema is caused by any of a number of lung irritants, which affect the alveoli and trigger the production of excess phlegm.

What organs do spiders breathe with and how does the air get into them?

They cannot breathe

Which transplant is needed by someone who cannot breathe properly?

If the breathing difficulty is due to cardiac failure it will be cardiac transplant, and if it is due to lung failure it will be lung transplant

How is emphysema treated in alternative medicine?

Damage to the lungs as a result of emphysema cannot be reversed, so preventative measures to limit its progression are essential. The following measures and treatments are regarded as beneficial for emphysema sufferers.

How do rocks breathe?

rocks are inanimate objects and cannot breathe

Can animals live longer if they breathe more oxygen?

no because we as humans are like animals, they gotta die sometime! i hope that answers your question. Thank you. Alternate answer: Unless an animal is suffering from some sort of oxygen deficiency, animals cannot live longer if they breathe more oxygen. They normally breathe plenty of oxygen.