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It depends. Usually, when there is enough trust built up and you sense that your partner will be understanding, this is a reasonably good time to have the conversation.

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Q: How and when should you tell someone you are dating that you are bipolar?
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Should you tell someone they are bipolar if they dont know?

It would be best for that "someone" to hear it and be educated by the treating physician/psychiatrist.

Is there a test to tell if I am bipolar?

I don't think there is a test to tell if someone is bipolar. I think doctors rely mostly on symptoms of the patient, and observations of the patient.

How can you tell if the girl you are dating is bipolar or just not that interested in you?

Ask herHowever, I would tread carefully here. Implying that someone is bipolar just because they are not interested in you is going to come across as judgemental and arrogant. Better to simply ask if they are interested in you, and leave out the biploar part.

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How do you tell your parents you were dating someone behind their backs?

Just tell them that you need to talk to them, and that what you are about to tell them that they shouldn't get mad at you because you have your agency to do what you want and then tell them you were dating someone.

When you like someone and scard to tell them and thay are dating someone what should you do?

Don't do anything that would break them up, but it wouldn't hurt to tell them that you like him/her. Just keep in mind that they are dating someone, so don't expect them to ask you out or anything. You can always just be friends.

How do you tell someone they are dating a sociopath?

confront them

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Tell them you are already taken.'nuff said

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You need ton confront the person you were kissing (if you were in fact kissing them) & ask them if they are dating someone else; if they are, leave them alone. If they're not, tell them that someone (don't mention names) told you that they were dating someone & you just wanted to ask for reassurance.

What should i do if my boyfriend with bipolar doesn't want help?

if your boyfriend has bipolar and doesn't want help you still might need to tell someone close to him or a parent to help but you also need to talk it through with him also and see what needs to be done

I am 14 how do I tell my mom I am dating someone who has criminal record does drug's does illegal things and I have done lots of the illegal stuff with him?

You should just sit your mom down and talk to her the way you would about anything else if you need to tell her about dating someone who has a criminal record.

What should you do when you best girl friend is dating someone else and you are very jealous?

you should tell her how you feel and if she isn't understanding then she can't be that good of a friend