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They are roughly the same thing , H.I.V is the early thing with the sign of it , Aids are later on, the final stage is full blown stage.

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Q: How are HIV and AIDS the same?
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How does HIV differ from AIDS?

It's the same thing eg HIV AIDS...

Did magic Johnson have aides?

No HIV,the virus that causes AIDS. But HIV and AIDS are not one and the same.

Did he have aid or hib at anytime?

You cannot have HIV and AIDS at the same time, because AIDS is the end result of HIV.

Are AIDS and HIV the same things and I mean are they similar to each other?

HIV is the virus and AIDS is the disease. You get HIV and once it starts attacking your body you get AIDS. In lucky people, they can have HIV without ever getting AIDS but sadly, this is not true for everyone.

Is HIVs the same as acquired Immunity Syndrome?

No. HIV is not AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome). HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

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The importance of studing hiv and aids The importance of studing hiv and aids

Are there vaccinations for HIV or AIDS?

There are no vaccinations for HIV or AIDS.

Who can get HIV AIDS?

anybody can get HIV and then move on to aids.

What percent of Americans who attract HIV will get the AIDS virus?

The difference between HIV and AIDS is a number. If you have the HIV virus, and your T-Cell count is below 200, then you are considered (from that point forward, regardless of your T-Cell count) an AIDS patient. That doesn't mean that everyone with HIV will end up with AIDS... but HIV and AIDS are the same thing; the difference is how much damage the HIV virus has done to your T-Cells.

Does using of the same syringe for two persons having the same blood group cause aids?

No; that will not cause AIDS or HIV.

How is aids and HIV different?

HIV is an early form of aids. Every one who has AIDS had HIV at one point.

Is it true that if you are infected with AIDS then you have HIV?

Correct...HIV can lead to AIDS and AIDS can only be caused be the HIV virus.