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heat increases kinetic energy i.e. motion of the particles leading to bond breakage which ultimately causes phase change

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Q: How are Kinetic Energy and heat related to phase changes?
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What happens to substance during changes between gas to liquid?

The particles of the substance gain kinetic energy as they absorb heat energy. Eventually there is enough kinetic energy for the particles to escape the liquid phase, forming the gas phase.

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Which phase of matter do particles have the most energy and the least energy?

Particles of matter have their least kinetic energy in the solid phase and their greatest kinetic energy in the gas phase.

How is kinetic energy related to the states of matter?

Average kinetic energy on an atomic or molecular scale is what we perceive as temperature, and temperature is a major determinant of phase (along with pressure, which is the other major determinant).

Which phase of matter would have the most kinetic energy?

This is the solid phase.

What is the phase with the highest kinetic energy and lowest intermolecular attractions?

the gas phase

Why does salt temp stay same temp when it melts?

The total kinetic energy of molecules must remain constant during changes of phase.

Do molecules have least kinetic energy in liquid phase?

If the molecules in question have a solid phase, for example water which goes from liquid to solid, namely ice, then least kinetic energy is the solid phase, with minimum kinetic occurring at 0 Kelvin (absolute zero).

In which phase does water have the highest kinetic energy?

Gas (steam).

What happens to the amount of kinetic energy when heat is added to a pure phase of matter?

The kinetic energy increases as you add more heat.

What phase changes release energy?

Gas to liquid change releases energy.

How does the kinetic energy of substance increase?

As the kinetic energy of matter is increased, the temperature increases and phase changes from solid to liquid or liquid to gas occur. If pressure is low enough, sublimation could occur.