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That each does great deeds, has great power, and is the main character whose life takes an unfortunate turn is the way in which Oedipus in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles and Roland in "The Song of Roland" are tragic heroes.

Specifically, the hero does great deeds, holds great powers, and is the main character around whom all action centers. The hero is tragic when his life takes an unfortunate turn. Both descriptions fit Oedipus and Roland. Oedipus is the savior of Thebes whereas Roland is the savior of the Franks through his sacrifice at Roncevaux. But Oedipus turns into a blind exile whereas Roland dies during his great deed.

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Oedipus and Roland are both tragic heroes because they experience a downfall due to a fatal flaw in their character. Oedipus's tragic flaw is his pride and impulsiveness, while Roland's is his sense of duty and loyalty. Despite their noble qualities, both characters meet a tragic fate that brings about their downfall.

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Q: How are Oedipus in the play 'Oedipus Rex' and Roland in the epic poem 'The Song of Roland' tragic heroes?
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