

Were are dolphins born

Updated: 10/8/2023
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13y ago

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A baby dolphin is born tail first. This is important because the dolphin might drown if it came head first. The very first thing it does after it is born is swim (or get pushed to the surface) to breathe.thats Wenter from dolphin tels.

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7y ago
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15y ago

How are dolphins born? This is what I know from one amazing afternoon in the south of Mexico:

I was swimming in Matanchen Bay, in the state of Nayarit, just south of Mazatlan and an hour north of Puerto Vallarta. Matanchen is known for having the longest breaking the world (?) I don't know exactly...but it is an exquisitely beautiful bay with white sand and very popular with surfers who wander down there.

I was swimming, not too far from shore. Suddenly, a giant dolphin leaped right over my head! I was in a [pod?] of dolphins. They were leaping and twisting all around me in the water. My dog was swimming with me, and he was so startled by this sudden activity that he swam back into shallow water.

I noticed 3 dolphins who seemed to be following my dog. As they reached the shallows, it became apparent that the two on each side, were supporting and guiding the dolphin between them. They were, perhaps, 50 feet away from my awe-stricken dog, who was standing up to his chest in the white foam. (A large dog)

I thought that the dolphin in the middle might be ill, or injured, and I began to swim toward the three magnificent animals. I saw that the two on either side were actually using their snouts and their flippers to support the one in the middle.

Suddenly, a tiny dolphin burst into the air! A baby dolphin flipped right up and over and splashed into the sea. The dolphin in the middle was giving birth! The baby spurted out of the mama straight up towards the sky and flipped over and dived into the sea! Then all 3 dolphins (4!!!) swam slowly out towards the rest of the dolphins who were swimming back and forth just 100 yards away.

There were probably (more or less) 15 dolphins in this group. My dog and I were the only other 'animals' in the bay, but the dolphins didn't seem to have any fear. They all swam around me, almost lazily, after the birth...and then after a few minutes, swam out into the open ocean.

I don't know how dolphins give birth if they are out in the middle of the ocean. I don't know if what I witnessed is the usual birth experience. But, that is what I saw and I hope that it answers the question for whomever posted this.

Oh--and, one more thing: after the baby dolphin splashed back into the water and they all started swimming towards the group of dolphins....the baby was almost glued to its' mama's side. It swam right next to her as far as I could see them.

Sami Gold

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6y ago

They give birth at sea. The babies are able to swim immediately - and the parent guides the baby to the surface to allow it to take its first breath of air.

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6y ago

The same way a human is born. Through the vagina piece of the dolphin and then the mom swims it up to the surface so it can get air.

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14y ago

In The Ocean.

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13y ago

dolphins are born in the water

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Dolphins have live births.

How small are dolphins when there born?

It is they're*, you illiterate.