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Classification of Writing by Length:
  • A short-short story is defined as 500 to 1500 words
  • A short story is defined as 2000 to 7500 words
  • A novelette is defined as 7500 to 17,500 words
  • A novella is defined as 17,500 to 60,000 words
  • A novel is defined as 60,000 to 125,000 words
Other traditional word count terms:
  • chapters can be any length, but most authors try to keep them around 2500 words, because that is the length that most people can read in about 15 minutes, so the reader can get through one chapter while waiting in line or commuting to work
  • drabbles are paragraphs that are exactly 100 words long
  • Children's Books are anywhere from no words at all (picture books) to around 7500 words
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