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Plate tectonics is when the plates on the earth's surface move, colliding into one another. When two plates collide, they can cause continental crust to be altered significantly. This can happen by displacing things such as roads and bridges, or by raising or lowering the ground. Plate tectonics can continue to make convergent boundaries and reverse faults slip after an earthquake, which is called an aftershock.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Plates move and shift to create faults. The most common cause of earthquakes are faults. the plates build up tension between one another, and once the plates slip, there is a disturbance in the earth; this is shaking and trembling, and is called an earthquake.

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12y ago

the relationship between plate tectonics and earthquakes is the at they are both underground and they do the same damage because a earthquake shakes and moves earth and a plate moves and cracks earth.

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9y ago

Most of the earthquakes happen along the tectonic plates. When plates move, they scrape against each other and create earthquakes. The plates build up pressure, and when they finally give, a big earthquake occurs. An example is Loma Prieta in 1989 which happened because of moving plates along the San Andreas fault line.

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12y ago

During an earthquake the crust on either both or one side of a fault is in motion.

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11y ago

Earthquakes could occur when the plates slip against each other slightly.

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10y ago

Plate tectonics move, so when two plate tectonics move towards

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Q: How are earthquakes related to plates and faults?
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How are stress and faults related in earthquakes?

Stress and faults are both caused by tectonic plates.

How are faults and earthquakes are related?

The are both related to the movement of tectonic plates.

How are earthquakes related to faults?

Earthquakes happen when the force of two tectonic plates become so strong it causes stress. Theses plates then smash into each other causing the rumbling that we feel on earth's surface. The rumbling is felt along the fault line, which is the area where two plates meet.

What causes underwater earthquakes and or vocanoes?

faults and plates disturbances

Explain how tectonic plate motion is related to earthquakes?

It all has to do with the faults and plates of the earth.(if you don't know what those are just google them.) When they move they can cause mountains or make old mountains bigger , cause volcanos, ocean ridges and trenches, and finally earthquakes. When the faults or plates rub against each other they cause the land to also shake. Which causes earthquakes.

Do faults cause earthquakes?

no. the plates pushing against each other do.

What are lithosphere plates and how are lithosphere plates related to earthquakes?

they are related by,they are plates

Earthquakes result when forces push what along faults in earths lithosphere?

Earthquakes result when forces push plates along faults in the Earth's lithosphere. These plates are comprised of the crust and a portion of the upper mantle.

What cause faults and earthquakes?

Movement of tectonic plates which are parts of the Earth's crust.

What types of plates do Earthquakes form on?

Earthquakes typically occur on a any fault because the most common earthquake is the tectonic earthquake and it occurs on all the faults, though usually has the most effect on strike-slip faults (like the San Andreas fault).

Why are faults important to know about?

Because faults are greatly related to Earthquakes and mountain building.

What is a type of faults that causes earthquakes?

The earth's crust is divided into many plates. When these plates push against each other very hard, one of the plates overlap another. This causes earthquakes.