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They are mutually exclusive if you believe the 24 hour news stations.

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Q: How are ethics reflected in laws?
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How Are laws and ethics similar?

Ethics may or may not be enforced, whereas laws are supposed to be. Ethics if they are codified are usually done so unofficially, while laws are codified by a government. A violation of ethics may also be a violation of laws, but not necessarily. Ethics may be personal as well as collective, and laws are intended to apply to people collectively. Ethics may vary among people and institutions, and laws are supposed to apply equally. All ethics are ethical, not all laws are ethical.

How are these ideals reflected in the philosophy of Adam Smith?

The ideals reflected in the philosophy of Adam Smith include use of inferences, ethics and Jurisprudence.

Can formalized code of ethics be substituted for laws?


Are laws and ethics fixed principles?

Laws and ethics are not fixed principles. These principles will keep changing from time to time so as to suit a particular situation in the best way possible.

How can you use God and ethics in a sentence together?

The laws of God do not always match the principles of ethics that have been developed by people.

Compare and contrast ethics and laws?

Ethics are just a set of expected codes of behavior in the society. Someone may take them up or choose not to. Laws must however be adhered to and a hefty punishment may follow if some laws are broken.

What is the difference of christian morality with ethics?

both of them should be consistent with each other. Ethics are the laws which God gives to us and the morality is how we live these laws inour lives. There must not be a division between these.

What is the observance of the law on public officers?

When public officials are sworn in as public officers they agree to follow laws and have a code of ethics they must follow. This code of ethics are the laws that public officials follow.

How harmony is established between law and ethics?

The law is based on the state to compensate for loss and punish those that have done misdeeds. Ethics is the moral conduct that cultures agree upon. The convergence of law and ethics is when ethics and law coincide.

How ethics is applied to public health issues?

Ethics are applied to public health issues by raising ethical objections to certain policies. Ethics are used to guide the legislation of public health laws.