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coz the have legs so they can swim hehehe

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Susanna Doyle

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2y ago
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Q: How water lily plants are adapted to live in water?
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Do plants and fish live in this water?

yes they can if they are adapted to it

What kinds of plants live in rivers?

lily pads algae water plants lotus

How are plants adapted to sand dune environment?

The plants that live in deserts have adapted the ability to require less water in sand dune environment.

What plants live in a pond?

A lily lives in a pond because it is a water plant.

What plants live in the pond?

Aquatic plants, such as water lilies, duck weed etc.

Plants that live on the water?

Lily pads, Lilies, Orchids cattails. moss algae

How do water lilies obtain nutrients from soil?

it is adapted to live in that environment.

What type of plants live in lake Erie?

Some plants in freshwater biomes can be: Water lilies, Lily pads, kelp, algae and other water dwelling plants.

Non-vascular plants have adapted for survival by all of these methods EXCEPT?

Non-vascular plants have adapted for survival in a lot of ways. These plants live in water for example to hold them sturdy.

What is the name given to plants that grows in desert conditions?

Plants that grow in arid conditions are called xerophytes. They have adapted to live with little water.

What plants live in dry climates?

Xerophytes: plants that are adapted to live in very dry climates

Do all animals and plants need saltwater?

No, most animals and plants benefit more from fresh water than from salt water. Only those species which live in the ocean are adapted to salt water.