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Transverse waves are those where the movement is perpendicular to the direction of the wave and Longitudinal waves move parallel to the direction of travel.

Longitudinal waves also known as compression waves require a medium through which to travel and can travel through solids, liquids and gasses (a sound wave is a type of longitudinal wave). Longitudinal waves look like this:

| | | | | | | |

A special type of transverse wave known as an electromagnetic wave can travel through a vacuum (they don't require a medium) and an example of this type of wave would be a radio wave or X-ray (or for that matter light). However transverse mechanical waves (such as the S-wave produced during an earthquake) are only able to travel through solids. This is the type of wave you see. Transverse waves look like this:


A longitudinal wave travels by pressure gradients, and are usually omnidirectional. Once emitted they travel outward spherically. Longitudinal waves require a material to travel through. A stretched spring held at both ends, compressed from the center to either end, and released will demonstrate a longitudinal wave. Transverse waves are carried along perpendicular to line of travel. They are very linear and don't require a medium to travel through. A jump rope "whipped" from one held end to another demonstrates a transverse wave.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Longitudinal waves vibration is parallel to the direction of propagation and transverse waves vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

In general waves are quaternion and contain a real /longitudinal wave and a vector/transverse wave.

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7y ago

The difference between a longitudinal wave and a transvers wave relates to how the wave oscillation is oriented with respect to the movement of the entire wave.

For example a wave on the ocean, say, is moving from left to right. The oscillations of the wave are going up and down, which is perpendicular of transverse, to the direction of motion. So a wave in water is a transverse wave.

For another example, a sound wave is moving from left to right. Sound itself is cyclic increases and decreases in pressure and this can be perceived as a slight squeezing and releasing of the air in the path of the sound wave. In this case the oscillations of the wave are along the direction of the wave movement and are therefore longitudinal.


The difference between a longitudinal wave and a transverse wave is the longitudinal wave is a real (or scalar) wave and the transverse wave is a vector wave. The mathematics shows the distinction. Unfortunately, the mathematics of physics is defective vector analysis.

The Universe consists of quaternions a real and three vectors. The quaternion wave equation for quaternion E=Er + Ev is the quaternion electric field with a real part Er and vector part Ev:

X^2E = (d/dr + id/dy + j d/dy + kd/dz)^2E =

let T=d/dr=d/cdt and D=id/dy + j d/dy + kd/dz then

X^2E=(T + D)^2E=( (T^2 - D^2) + 2TD)(Er + Ev)

X^2E=( (T^2 - D^2)Er -2TD.Ev) + ((T^2 - D^2)Ev + 2T(DEr + DxEv))

The first parenthesis is the real (longitudinal) wave with D.Ev the longitudinal component.

The second parenthesis is the vector wave with DxEv the transverse component. Note that the vector wave also contains the gradient component DEr, a vector.

Notice that (T^2 -D^2)= ((d/cdt)^2 - ((d/dx)^2 +(d/dy)^2 (d/dz)^2)) is the D'Alembertian part of the wave.

Quaternions provide the proper mathematics to describe the quaternion universe, Unfortunately, quaternions are not well known in Physics or Mathematics education.

The Universe knows quaternions and carries on. Earthquake waves are quaternion and electric waves are quaternion. The longitudinal wave has the vibrations parallel to the radial direction. The transverse wave has the vibrations transverse to the radial direction, 0=D.DxEv.

The gradient component of the vector wave is parallel to the radial direction, 0=DxDEr.

The origin defines the radial direction.

Notice that there is a longitudinal and transverse component if there is no Er or real component of the field. There is no longitudinal OR transverse component if there is no vector Ev component of the field. In both cases however there will be a quaternion wave, containing a real and vector component.

Quaternions are the key to Physics and the Universe.

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11y ago

is transitive wave and transverse wave the same ? because in my textbooks they are like that. if it is the same this is the answer.


  • forms crests and troughs in the medium.
  • it is possible only in solids and at surface of liquids.
  • the particles of medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of propogation of wave.
  • there is no variation of pressure in the medium.
  • forms elastic and non elastic wave.


  • forms series of compressions and rarefactions.
  • its possible in solids liquids and gases.
  • the particles vibrate in the parallel direction in which the wave propogates.
  • the pressure and density is maximum at compressions and minimum at rarefactions.
  • forms elastic waves only.
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15y ago

longitudinal waves vibrate in the direction of propagation; transverse waves vibrate perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

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10y ago

In a longitudinal wave, the motion of the medium is parallel to the direction of the wave. With a transverse wave the motion of the medium is a right angles to the wave's direction.

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