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Plate tectonics and evlolution are related because they both

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Q: How are plate tectonics and evolution related?
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How are volanoes and the process of plate tectonics related?

how are volcanoes and the process of plate tectonics related

How are crustal features related to plate tectonics?

well i think that it is that plate tectonics are when they move by earthquakes and crustal features are when they discribe the crustal and the plate tectonics.

How is plate tectonics related to Natural Hazards?

plate tectonics are related to natural hazards because they cause them, such has erupting volcanoes, and trembling earthquakes.

What an example of the slow change that has dramatic results on the earth?

Plate tectonics Evolution

Are convection currents related to plate tectonics?

A version of convection currents, occurring in the mantle, is thought to be the force behind plate tectonics.

Why is the theory of plate tectonics a lot like the theory of evolution?

They are both based on the scientific method.

How is plate tectonics related to landslides?

because it is a type of techtonic plates

Which theory describes the motion of earth's crust on its mantle?

plate tectonics=D

Plate tectonics may affect organic evolution because movement of plates may cause a change in .?


Plate tectonics may affect organic evolution because movement of plates may cause a change in?


How do volcanoes help plate tectonics?

Volcanoes don't help plate tectonics; volcanoes are the result of plate tectonics.

What is The theory that describes large scales movements of the lithosphere called?

Plate tectonics