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i only have a little bit because i needed an answer also but her are some




fractions of food

sorry thats all i got

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Q: How are rational numbers used in real life?
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Why are venn diagrams used?

A.(Integers) (Rational numbers)B.(Rational numbers) (Integers)C.(Integers) (Rational numbers)D.(Rational numbers) (Real numbers)

Why are rational numbers denoted as Q?

The letter R was used for real numbers. So Q, for quotients was used for rational numbers.

How can you interpret thr ordering of rational numbers in real world situations?

In the real world you can use the order of rational numbers. This is used a lot in math.

How do you use rational function in real life?

Rational function can be used in real life in modeling multi-person work problems.

Why is q represented for rational numbers not R?

R was used for Real numbers. Q, for rational numbers refers to the fact that it must be possible to express them as quotients [of two integers].

How are rational numbers and whole numbers used in everyday life?

Counting your money would be one way.

How are dotted numbers used in real life?

my but

What real life situations are prime numbers used?

Any situation numbers are used.

How are rational numbers used in hospital?

Rational numbers are used in a hospital setting to prescribe dosage of drugs.

What is the symbol used for irrational numbers?

There is no specific symbol. The symbol for real numbers is R and that for rational numbers is Q so you could use R \ Q.

What do you call a set of real numbers that includes every real number between two numbers Is there a specific name for such a set?

It may, sometimes be referred to as an intervalalthough that term is also used for subsets of rational numbers or integers.

What are rational and rational numbers?

Rational numbers are numbers which can be written in the form p/q where p and q are integers and q > 0. Rationals is often used as an abbreviation to refer to the set of all rational numbers.