

How are sardines canned?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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13y ago

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they are canned by a factory person putting them in a tin and then putting them through a machine so that the lid can be put on.

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Q: How are sardines canned?
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What does the idiom packed like sardines?

Sardines are canned and lined up very tightly in the can. When there are lots of people and it is very crowded, people are packed in like sardines.

What foods go best with sardines?

sardinesExamples of preserved foods include jams, dried fruits, and canned sardines

Do you heat canned sardines?

You can eat them as they are since they are already cooked or you can heat them up.

Is the oil in the 15-oz oil packed canned sardines included in the nutrition information?


Why crown prince sardines are not real sardines?

There is actually no species of fish called a sardine. A sardine is any small fish that has been cooked and pickled whole or nearly whole, and canned into sardine tins.

Do canned sardines go bad?

Canned shrimp will last for weeks or months if unopened. Once opened, they will go bad within 1-2 days. Frozen shrimp can stay frozen for 6 months.

Where were sardines first eaten?

Sardines date back to time immemorial, but it was the emperor Napoleon Bonaparte who helped to popularize these little fish by initiating the canning of sardines, the first fish ever to be canned, in order to feed the citizens of the land over which he presided.

How do you get out of migraine?

What works for me is a beef burrito supreme from Taco Bell. Other foods that help are canned sardines, corn nuts, and for prevention, cheerios with banana slices.

Is canned fish like salmon or sardines cooked?

Yes. Most are steamed; some are fried or hot-smoked. (from and Sardine is more of a generic term that is applied to any soft-boned, small fish with a fatty flesh. Herrings, sprat, and young pilchards are some of the names of the fish that are called sardines. They are iridescent, silvery, and swim in huge schools near the surface. They can be salted, smoked, or canned in oil, tomato sauce, or mustard sauce. Some are packed into cans as is; others are skinned, boned, or sold as fillets. They are best grilled, broiled, or fried. The name probably comes from young pilchards caught off the coast of Sardinia, which were one of the first fish packed in oil. I looked in my "Joy of Cooking" (published in 1964) for their suggestions about sardines. They say, "Pacific sardines are almost twice as large as the Atlantic kind, and both are bigger than the type of pilchards originally caught off Sardinia. Anchovies are even smaller sardines. When smoked, sardines are referred to as sprats. Treat fresh sardines as for Smelts." Then they offer a recipe, as follows: "If you want to present canned sardines in an interesting way, skin and bone, 12 canned sardines. Mash 6 of them with: * 1 (teaspoon) tsp minced onion * 2 tsps butter * 1/2 tsp prepared mustard * 1 tsp lemon juice * Spread 6 narrow toasts with this mixture. Place a whole sardine on each toast and run under the broiler. Before serving garnish with: * Finely chopped fennel * A grating of black pepper" My former husband loved canned sardines, and would open a can, plop a fat sardine on a saltine cracker, and eat the whole can that way! I always left the room to avoid the stench! I have eaten the bones from sardines (love the hot mustard flavor), however I always pick the round bones out of canned salmon before cooking it. The person that sent the above paragraph have their answer but my answer is a bit different. The canning process heat treats the food. With canned salmon and sardines the bones have been greatly softened and can be safely eaten. The high heat sterilization process softens them to the point where they can be easily mashed and blended into salmon salads, casseroles, and other delicious meals. There is no waste in canned salmon -- the liquid, skin, and bones are all edible and supply important nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus. As a kid, I loved picking them out and eating them as my mother opened the cans. In our home the bones and skin are always left in. The oily skin is high in Omega 3.

Fish used in doing sardines?

The say that Sardine is a saltwater fish is notaccuret because Saredines grows naturally also in freshwater lakes as well. You can find canned Sardines from many lakes like the " sea of Galilee" in Israel, Baykal lake in south Siberia and other lakes in asia and Africa.

What are facts about sardines?

Sardines come from the ocecan

Can dogs eat wild sardines from the can?

yes. Preferable plain- without hot sauces or excessive oils. it is a rich source of protein. If the dog has always been raised on bag food or canned food, and his organs have never been exposed to raw meat, like the sardines, EXPECT the smell on the other end to be rather gross... ;-)