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There not. Animal farm is a Fable/Allegory about the RUSSIAN revolution, not the Philippines.

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Q: How are the Characters in Animal Farm related to the Philippines Revolution Characters?
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How are the Animal Farm Characters related?

They ain't!!

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Animal Farm was based on what historic happening?

It was based on the Russian Revolution in 1917. If you look up Animal Farm parallels, then you will see how each character or symbol in the novel represents something related to the revolution.

What is the national animanl of the Philippines?

The national animal of the Philippines is the carabao.

How did Animal Farm change people's views of Russia?

Animal Farm is based upon characters who played a big part in the Russian revolution, so pretty much people realized how stupidly they acted.

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Parables have human characters while fables have animal characters.

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What are all the neighbors you can have on Animal Crossing DS?

Look on the related link below; it is really useful and not only lists the neighbors but all the characters.

What does Animal Farm portray?

Animal Farm portrays the Russian Revolution with each pig as a leader from the revolution.

What events in animal farm also happen in the Russian revolution?

He talks about how the pigs (leaders) must always make new rules to trick the other animals (people).

How is Animal Farm related to the Holocaust?

Animal Farm is about Communism, with characters that represent Marx and Stalin. Communism (WWI) led to WWII, which is, obviously, directly related to the Holocaust because it was then that Adolf Hitler gained power in a then Nazi Germany where the Holocaust took place.