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They are not the same at all, Venuses atmosphere is very hot dry and thick, while Mars atmosphere is thin and cold. Though they have totally different atmospheres, both planets are going through the same processes, which makes them very similar.

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Q: How are the atmospheres of Venus and Mars similar?
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Which terrestrail planets have atmospheres?

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There are two such planets, Mars and Venus. Venus has a much thicker atmosphere than Mars, but both atmospheres are about 95% carbon dioxide.

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Which two planets have atmospheres composed mostly carbon dioxide include?

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Mercury doesn't have an atmosphere of any significance. Earth's atmosphere is nothing like the others. That leaves Mars and Venus. They do have similar atmospheres because they both have about 95% carbon dioxide. However the atmosphere of Mars is much thinner than Earth's whereas Venus has a much thicker atmosphere than Earth's.

What do mars and Venus have in common?

One thing is that both have carbon dioxide as about 95% of their atmospheres. However Mars has a very thin atmosphere and Venus has a very thick atmosphere

What solar system bodies have atmospheres containing carbon dioxide?

Venus, Earth, Mars, and Triton (Neptune's largest moon) have carbon dioxide in their atmospheres.

What is one way that both atmospheres of venus and mars differ from earth's?

On both Venus and Mars, the most abundant gas in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. On Earth nitrogen is the most abundant gas.

What are the similarities between Venus and mars?

Mars and Venus both have a core which made of metal and they belong to the inferior planets of our solar system.They are also rocky planet like our earth.