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During meiosis, cell division is through sexual reproduction. This produces genetically different cells, under two divisions. The chromosome number is reduced by half. During mitosis, asexual reproduction during cell division creates genetically identical cells. The amount of chromosomes remain the same.

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9y ago
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15y ago

The nuceli in the sperm or egg cells have reactors that tell the cells to reproduce more then once (which is meiosis) and the neceli in other cells only have a reactor for one (which is mitosis)

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14y ago

The cells in mitosis are body cells. The cells in meiosis are sex cells. In meiosis the sex cells divide 2 times to make 4 sex cells. in mitosis the body cells divide once to make 2 body cells. body cells have 46 chromosomes and sex cells have 23 chromosomes because when a sperm and an egg come together in fertilization the 23 chromosomes from each sex cell make 46 chromosomes that a body cell has and later forms into an embryo.

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13y ago

mitosis produces cells exactly identical to the parent. This means that they have all 46 chromosomes and are ready to function. In meiosis however, cells are formed with only 23 chromosomes (half of the usual 46) and are not ready to function on their own. Cells produced by meiosis are commonly referred to as sex cells. (egg and sperm) when the egg and sperm fuse together, it produces a new cell with the usual 46 chromosomes. This new cell is then ready to divide by meiosis.

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12y ago

the cells produced in mitosis are diploid cells (2n) whereas the cells produced in meiosis are haploid (n)

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9y ago

Cells that are form at the end meiosis is two cells. Cells that are formed at the end of mitosis are combined.

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12y ago

They end up bring haploid.

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Q: How are cells that are form at the end meiosis different from those formed at the end of mitosis?
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What name is given to the new cells formed after mitosis and meiosis?

the cells formed by mitosis and meiosis are called daughter cells.

How the new cells formed from meiosis compared to each other?

in meisosis, cells formed are different from each other. in mitosis the daughter cells are identical.

What is the difference of a cell that is formed from mitosis and a cell that is formed from meiosis?

Cells formed from mitosis are diploid and are identical (if no mutations occurred during DNA replication) to the parent cell. Cells formed during meiosis are haploid and are different than the parent cell (due to the process of crossing over). Note that mitosis produced only 2 daughter cells whereas meiosis produces four.

What are four ways in which meiosis different from mitosis?

Meiosis differs from mitosis in the following ways; meiosis produces four cells while mitosis two produces cells. Meiosis occurs in sex cells while mitosis occurs body cells.

What is the difference beween Meiosis and Mitosis?

Mitosis is the splitting of cells to create two different cells. Meiosis is the division of the reproductive cells.

What kind of cells does the process mitosis and meiosis make?

Meiosis cell division is where the egg and sperm cells are created. Mitosis cell division is where two identical daughter cells are formed.

What forms 2 cells mitosis or meiosis?

Haploid cells are formed in the process of meiosis. Haploid cells contain half of the amount of chromosomes than a somatic cell has.

How many cells do you end up with after mitosis and meiosis?

After mitosis you have two cells and after meiosis you have 4 cells.

How can you compare mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis produces 2 genetically identical cells, while meiosis makes 4 genetically different cells.The end cells at mitosis are diploid (2N), while the end cells at meiosis are haploid (N).

Do mitosis happen in sexual reproduction?

noIt produces identical cells to mother cell. Meiosis is important in sexual reproduction

Does meiosis or mitosis occur when the immune system produces armies of defensive white blood cells?

Meiosis and mitosis are different types of cellular reproductions. Meiosis is sexual but mitosis is asexual reproduction. Meiosis and mitosis continue to occur when the immune system produces white blood cells.

Are gametes produced by meiosis or mitosis?

In animals, gametes are formed only through meiosis. Mitosis does not produce gametes. However, in autotrophs, spores composed of gametes go though mitosis to produce a gametophyte.