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The paramecium might have a contractile vacuole, whereas cells like animal and plants just have a normal one.

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Q: How are the vacuoles from paramecia different from the vacuoles of other organisms?
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Where does digestion occur in a paramecia?

These structures are absent in marine paramecium.Food vacuoles,which are round in shape,contain enzymes to digest the other smaller protozoans that paramecium feed on.

Where does digestive occur in paramecia?

These structures are absent in marine paramecium.Food vacuoles,which are round in shape,contain enzymes to digest the other smaller protozoans that paramecium feed on.

How are contractile vacuoles different then types of vacuoles?

Contractile vacuoles are formed when a food particle is engulfed. Their size depends on the size of food particle. They are not predefined. Other vacoules are predefined and exist whether the food particles are present in them or not.

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Insects are different from other organisms because they don't have any Lungs . Most organisms on earth have lungs other organisms do not , that is why they are different.

How are contractile vacuoles different from types of vacuoles?

Contractile vacuoles are formed when a food particle is engulfed. Their size depends on the size of food particle. They are not predefined. Other vacoules are predefined and exist whether the food particles are present in them or not.

Are paramecium autogroph?

Autotrophs are producers, organisms able to make their own food such as plants or microorganisms which contain chlorophyll, for example. Paramecia are predators, not able to manufacture their own food, but consume other microorganisms. So, no, paramecia are not autotrophs.

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How are contractile vacuoles different from other types of vacuols?

Contractile vacuoles are formed when a food particle is engulfed. Their size depends on the size of food particle. They are not predefined. Other vacoules are predefined and exist whether the food particles are present in them or not.

What is true of paramecia?

The Paramecium is a group of unicellular ciliate protozoa, formerly known as slipper animalcules from their slipper shape. They are commonly studied as a representative of the ciliate group. Paramecia range from about 50 to 350 μm in length, depending on species. Simple cilia cover the body which allow the cell to move with a synchronous motion. There is also a deep oral groove containing inconspicuous compound oral cilia (as found in other peniculids) that is used to draw food inside. They generally feed upon bacteria and other small cells. Osmoregulation is carried out by a pair of contractile vacuoles, which actively expel water absorbed by osmosis from their surroundings. Paramecia are widespread in freshwater environments, and are especially common in scums. Paramecia are attracted by acidic conditions. Certain single-celled eukaryotes, such as Paramecium, are examples for exceptions to the universality of the genetic code (translation systems where a few codons differ from the standard ones).

How are organisms in a species different from others in genus?

Organisms in a species have characteristics that differ from those of other organisms in their genus.

How are organisms in a species different from others in their genue?

Organisms in a species have characteristics that differ from those of other organisms in their genus.