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The word vertebrae actually means back bone. so a vertebrate has a back bone, like most mammals, and invertebrate means the animal has no backbone, like insects, crustaceans, and jellyfish
The word invertebrate means with no backbone, whereas vertebrate means with a back bone. People and most animals are vertebrates and most Spiders and insects are invertebrates.

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Vertebrate animals have a spine

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Q: How do the skeletons of vertebrates differ from the skeleton of most invertebrates?
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Why vertebrates and invertebrates are differ?

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How do vertebrate differ from invertebrate?

The most significant difference between a vertebrate and an invertebrate is that a vertebrate has a spine and an invertebrate doesn't.

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The notochord of a vertebrate differs from that of an invertebrate because a vertebrates eventually turns into a back bone. Invertebrates just disappears.

How do invertebrates differ from each other?

Land and aquatic vertebrates are similar in that they both have a vertebral column. They are both either primary or secondary consumers as well. A difference is that vertebrates that live only in the water do not have fully developed hind legs.

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The most obvious way in which mammals differ from the other four classes of vertebrates is that mammals nurture their young on mothers' milk.

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How does the skeleton of a vertebrate differ from the skeleton of an invertebrate?

An invertebrate does not have a backbone.

How do vertebrates differ from other animals?

Vertebrates have backbones, other animals (besides vertebrates) don't have back bones.

In what ways do testosterone and estradiol molecules differ from each other?

testosterone and estradiol have different functional groups attached to the same carbon skeleton .. hope this helps!

How is vertebrates different from other animals?

vertebrates differ from other animals because they have a central nervous system running down their back