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Not really big but at least 30cms

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Q: How big of a tank do you need to mate goldfish?
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Is goldfish are happy in tanks?

Yes, the bigger tank the better. They actually HATE goldfish bowls. (they're not nearly big enough). Goldfish usually need a 20 to 30 gallon tank

If your goldfish is about 2 and a half inches long how big does its tank need to be?

Regardless of the type or size of goldfish the minimum acceptable size of an aquarium for a goldfish is 30 gallons. Buy a tank that is at least 30 gallons if you plan to have goldfish. You can comfortably fit 3 goldfish in a tank this size but no goldfish in a tank any smaller. Goldfish are essentially pond fish and need lots of space to swim; they will not thrive in a small aquarium.

What type of algae eater is best for a goldfish tank with four goldfish?

it doesn't really matter what kind of algae eater you get for the tank.In my experience with goldfish I've found that plecos work well although they get very big and will need to be kept in a very large tank.

Can a comet goldfish fit in a 1.5 gallon tank?

Absolutely not! Unless the goldfish is half an inch and going to stay that way you are seriously hurting your fish! A comet goldfish will get very big! you need at least a 55 gallon tank for that sucker! Try raising a smaller regular goldfish in a 20 gallon tank. You'd be far better off!

What size fish tank do you need for 3 goldfish?

Goldfish need at minimum 20 gallons for one fish, plus 10 gallons for each additional goldfish being added to the tank; this means that fro 3 goldfish, you need at minimum a 40 gallon tank.It's not just about their potential size as adults, which is big, but because they are very messy fish and produce a very high amount of waste.

How big of a tank would you need for two shubunkin goldfish and a snail?

you will need a gallon for every inch the shubunkins grow you will need at least one gallon for a snail

Can you breed your goldfish in a ten gallon?

No. A 10 gallon tank is barely big enough to keep a single goldfish in.

Should you put your fish in a bowl or tank?

it depends on how big it is if it is a goldfish or beta it can be in a bowl.If it is one of those big tiger fish or aqarium fish then put it in a big tank. A fish will grow to the size of the tank or bowl. For instance, say a goldfish is in a tank, it will not grow as big as the tank; however it will grow big enough to be able to swim in their environment. The fish will not overgrow the tank. I had a six inch goldfish in a thirty gallon tank.

Where do small goldfish like to live in a glass bowl or a tank with air?

Small or Big it should be kept in a huge tank with Filter and Oxygen 10 gallons per Goldfish At least

How big of tank for 12 goldfish?

For twenty small (1-1.5 inch) Goldfish you should have something like a 30 gallon aquarium.

What size tank do you need for 2 goldfish. I want some coral and sea things but Not too big a tank?

Goldfish actually require a well filtered tank with room for growth as they can reach large sizes. Goldfish are cold water freshwater fish. Corals and sea things are warm water salt water things. So regardless of tank size compatibility is impossible.A fancy goldfish needs 20 gallons, and then every other fish you add needs another 10 gallons.

Can you have 3 male goldfish in one aquarium?

Yes, as long as your tank is big enough for 3 goldfish. It should be at least 35 to 40 gallons in size even when your goldfish are babies.