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Your cage does not have to be very large. As long as there is room for food, water, an exercise wheel, a place for you hamster to sleep, and a little extra room for walking around, you should be fine.

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14y ago
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12y ago

I have 2 Russian dwarf hamsters. I keep mine in separate cages because they used to fight a lot to the bleeding point. I recommend you keep them in 2 separate cages to prevent fighting. They shouldn't be extremely big or too small, a medium size would be nice. If your still having trouble with size, ask a worker at the pet store what they recommend. Any cage for hamsters will work, but I think you should buy one from Petsmart if there is one near you because they have a good variety of hamster supplies and cages. Hope this helps!

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16y ago

A hamster's cage has to be about 1 square foot per hamster.

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9y ago

The minimum size cage to hold a Syrian hamster should be 24 inches, by 12 inches, and 12 inches high. A larger cage would be even better so that the hamster has plenty of room.

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11y ago

It should be at least 15 gallons , with alot of places to hide !

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14y ago

Hamsters need cages with plastic bases, that are about 5cm deep, and either a clear plastic top or a wire top. It needs to be at least 50cm (30 inches) and it needs bedding and so on.

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13y ago

It doesn't really matter how big or small it is but hamsters and gerbil and other small animals do like the room and like to go threw big tunnels they also sometimes like to climb.

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Q: How big does a cage need to be for 1 hamster?
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Can you have more than 1 hamster in the same cage?

yes, you can have up two in one cage.

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you would probably need a medium sized cage for a male rat as they are quite big. but you could get a cage with a few ladders and and a exercise wheel to keep it active.

How many carrots do you feed a hamster?

1-3 depending on how big the hamster is.

How many times a week do you clean a hamsters cage?

if there is 1 hamster in the cage once a week should do the trick if there are 2-4 try cleaning it 2 or 3 times a week this is coming from a hamster breeder and owner

What is the correct and safest method of picking up a hamster?

There are several methods for picking up a hamster. The two safest methods are: 1) Lower a container into the cage and let the hamster climb into it. This method is safe and keeps the hamster from biting your fingers. 2) Cup your hands together and slide them under the hamster to lift it out of the cage. Or slide one hand under the hamster and cup your other hand over the top of the hamster.

Why is my hamster going in circles It share its cage with 1 other hamster and its cage is 7 by 12. Why Everything seems normal on my hamster. HELP?

Hamsters aren't supposed to share cages if there syrians(dwarf hamsters can share a cage very happily). Your hamsters could kill eachother; hamster's nature is to roam alone. However, if you have one male hamster, and one female hamster, this may not apply, as the female can, well, you know, with the male and before you know it.... pop goes the BABIES. Be prepared.

Ho many hamsters to a cage?

if youhave a big cage you can put up to 4 or 5 hamsters. with a small cage you can have 1 to 3 hamstersI would put 4 in a big cage, and 2 in a small cage.

How long before i can take my hamster out of its cage?

1-2 days after you get it

Can a hamster eat more than a mice?

Dwarf hamsters need 1 TEASPOON of food a night, Syrian (big) hamsters need two.Mice need one.So theoretically, yes.

David has 4 cages of hamsters. The second cage has 1/2 as many hamsters as the first. The third cage has 1/2 as many hamsters as the second. The fourth cage has 1/2 as many hamsters as the third. What are the fewest hamsters David can have?

1+2+4+8=15 There can't be half of a hamster. Start with the smallest cage with the smallest amount possible:1

What requirements have to be met to keep a hamster in captivity?

1. At least 12" by 15" cage 2.bedding 3. Water bottle/ Hamster food 4. Excercise Wheel 5. Hideaway Remember to clean your cage at least noce or twice every 2 weeks.

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