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Until you have evidence every other thing is suspicions. A person lies when their words do not mean their action.

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Q: How can I tell when my girlfriend lying to my face?
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How do you know if your girlfriend is lieing?

tell her to look in to your eyes, then if she looks away or laughs then shes lying.

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Be honest and tell her how you really feel. It is not fair to string people along.The best thing to do is to tell your girlfriend to her face that you no longer want to be with her.

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How do you confront someone who you know is doing something behind your back but still lie about it?

Answer I'd say a face to face confrontation is needed here. No one likes being lied to so if that person who is doing the lying and isn't man or woman enough to admit it, confront them face to face and tell them you think or know they are lying. See their comments after you face them down.

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Yes, a supine person is on her back lying face-up.