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How can a bacteria without flagella move ?

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11y ago

no all parts of a cell must be present or the whole cell will die

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Q: How do the flagella help bacteria move around?
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Some bacteria has flagella that help them do what?


What helps bacteria move around?


What structures let bacteria be motile?

Flagella and cilia because this is how prokaryotes move around.

What do protists and the amoeba move by?

Flagella Both are motile and have flagella that help them move around.

What is the role of the flagella in a bacteria cell?

The role of a flagella in a bacterial cell is motility. Through the back and forth movements of the flagella bacteria can propel themselves through their environment. The flagella also help bacteria undergo chemotaxis, the ability to move away from some stimuli and move towards others.

What allows the bacterium to move around its environment?

Motile bacteria generally have flagella.

What bacteria shapes are locomotion?

Some bacteria have flagella, which appearance resembles a long thin tail. They use this to move around. Others "squirm" and glide.

How do humans use flagella?

The flagella are on bacteria but are also on a man's sperm. Not only does it help the bacteria move but it also helps the sperm move. Inorder to have a baby you first need to have a egg fertilized in a woman. The sperm from a man cannot get to fertilize the egg without the flagella helping them to move. Without the flagella we will not be able to repopulate.

How does bacteria get around?

They can wiggle and squirm around like worms, make use of liquid to move from one point to another; most have flagella around their cell walls which help them move around. The flagella can be very short and populous all around the outside of their "skin," or one big "tail" that acts as a rudder to steer them around.

Identify the structure that cause bacteria to move aside from flagella?

# Thick, protective wall around their cell. Cilia are hair-like extensions from the cell that also help the cell move.

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By the use of its flagella.