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the large object spreads the water out more evenly over it's area because it's large while the small object has less space to do so.

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Q: How can a large object float in the water while a small object sinks?
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Does mass determine an object will float or sink?

No. A toothpick and a tiny stone both have small mass, but one floats and the other sinks. A passenger ferry and a large boulder both have large mass, but one floats and the other sinks. It's not the mass that determines whether the object will float. It's the ratio of its mass to its volume ... the number known as the object's "density".

How can a large object float on water while a small object sinks?

because a large object displaces more water, whether an object floats or not is a matter of whether the object that's in the water weighs more than the water it pushes away (water is 1 KG/DM^3, or 1000 KG/M^3 a small metal ball will therefore sink, while a large metal boat will float(a small hollow metal ball will also float)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The mass and volume of an object doesn't matter, its the density

Does volume determine whether an object floats or sinks?

Not at all. A small pebble and a giant boulder both sink, but a small feather and a giant battleship both float.

What is easier to grasp a large object or a small object?

Small object.

Why does lead sink in water?

Lead sinks in water because the density of lead is greater than the density of water.The displacement of water needs to be equal to the weight of the object for it to float. Lead sinks because the displacement of lead is greater than the displacement of water.

How could ships weighing thousand of pounds float in the water while a small coin sinks right to the bottom?


Which wood doesn't float on water?

If the density of any material is larger then that of water, the buoyancy force of water will not support that object. ie the object will not float. Also, if an small/large holes are present in the object, they may fill with water to increasing the mass, but not the volume, causing the density to increase. Generally, wood, unless saturated with water, will float. Ebony could be one that doesnt float.

Does a greater buoyant act on a large object or a small object?

Larger object.

How big is a large object?

It's relative to what you define as a small object.

Does a greater buoyant forces act on a large object or a small object?

a larger object

Why fresh egg sinks in water?

Though each egg contains a small air space, it is not usually big enough to act like a float, so the egg sinks. A bad egg will produce gases as the egg decomposes inside the shell. As these gases take on a larger volume, so the egg will float.

Why does a large object absorb and emit radiation faster than a small object?

Because of the large object has more surface area.