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They adapt and so many people put the stuff down the rats get used to it and it starts to have no effect on them. As they have an "immunity" to it.

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Q: How can a rat be immune to rat bait?
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What is good rat bait?

your mom it think

What products are used for rat control?

One of the products used for rat control is a mouse trap, which snaps shut when a rat crosses it. Another product that is used is poisonous rat bait, which kills a rat after it is consumed.

How do electronic rat traps kill the rat?

They do, but who needs the added expense? Rats are hard to trap without a bait anyway & they are not curious like mice. Don't count on them to go in the hole just to see what's in there & without bait they most likely won't except for the juveniles.

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into,can,bat,bin,ran,ban,rat,bar,bait,no,bart,in, cat and ant

HOW do electronic rat traps work?

Most of the electronic rat traps use batteries to charge their circuit boards. The Rat Zapper is the original electronic rat trap. It works when the rat is lured into the chamber by the bait. When the rodent steps onto the kill plate the unit sends electricity down to the plate and electrocutes it dead.

What sets off a rat trap?

The rat. Sometimes an accidental slight move in the trap will set it off, this would depend on how sensitive the trap is. I have had some that ate the bait and got away..not often.

What are enemies of an earthworm?

The common enemies of earthworms are birds, ants, mole rat and also even fishes when they uses as bait of course.

How much does rat extermination cost?

$225 for the initial visit to plug holes, lay bait and tracking powder. New York City.

Can alligators die from rat poison?

Alligators aren't immune to snake poison, Rat poison is questionable. I imagine it'd have to be a hefty dose to take out an adult alligator though.

Is fly bait a real movie?

When Kevin is watching "Fly Bait" he comments "She's Rat Bait!" instead * Like the film ''Angels With Filthy Souls'' in the first film, Kevin's hotel video rental ''Angels With Even Filthier Souls'' is not a movie but rather specially-created footage. Both movies were an homage to the 1939 film ''Angels With Dirty Faces''.

Would your cat bleed from the nose if she ate rat or mouse poison?

No. Cats have a strong immune system, so they can not bleed from there nose.