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The US has a form of capitalism with modest government interference with a current increasing tendency towards laissez-faire.

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Q: How can capitalism best be described in the US today?
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The US can be best described as having a capitalistic system. Businesses and individuals are able to go after their dreams of earning money.

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What does the US constitution say about capitalism?

The US Constitution says absolutely nothing about capitalism. The only oblique reference to capitalism is in the Preamble where it has the phrase "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity". Liberty, when the US Constitution was written, referred to economic freedom to open, manage, and close businesses as well as freely shop at any business. So, the US Constitution was arguing that one of the key purposes of the US Constitution was to guarantee a free-market economy.

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The United States economy is still best described as a mixed economy. It is considered thus because it involves the public, private, and international sector.

What type of economy do you use in the us?
